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Is al Amoudi wanted for questioning in the United States?

According to a reliable source, Saudi billionaire Mohammed al-Amoudi is wanted for questioning by the United States authorities to investigate about possible links with questionable groups. It appears that al-Amoudi has not visited the United States in years. Ethiopian Review is looking into the veracity of this information. We encourage our readers with information to contact us on- or off-line.

124 thoughts on “Is al Amoudi wanted for questioning in the United States?

  1. This is the thing all Al-Amoudi money belongs to Saudi autorities. He does not owna single penny. He has nothing. There are people behind his money.Trust me he is just a symbol. A long time ago there was a website, which used to tell every thing about it. I have forgotten the right link. it was (workinSaudi).com or something. Now that website is deleted.

    Most people know nothing about this guy. Even there are some ethiopian friends of him who obey his time and money. Derege YessusWork (Jambi) is one of them. His brother Dawit who used to live in North Holland also always with him. his group is very rude. I might write a book about this guys. they have a lot of funny stories. A bout the war between Abenet & Tesfaye (Kibe). London inter-continental presidential suite girles mess and armed UK body gaurds …Who never knows I should do that one day. lol

  2. Mail on line

    Police hunt Russians who threatened Dragon Duncan Bannatyne’s daughter on Twitter

    * Scottish millionaire responded by offering £50,000 reward to anyone who will ‘break his arms’

    Elias Kifle – I think you have put yourself in to troubled waters. Either the law or AlAmoudi might come after you.
    Do you know that you are now wanted in Ethiopia on terrorist charges, in which you have repeatedly admitted to blow up economic infrastructures?


  3. I doubt Mr. al Amoudi is wanted for questioning in the US. Don’t those who are wanted in the US appear in the FBI wanted list? His name is nowhere in the FBI list. I checked.

  4. erkihun,
    ante molacha leba, no one in the world is more fat liars as Melese and his TPLF thugs and his heartless supporters. You blame Elias, all the Amhara tribe, Guragaes, Oromos, the late Haile Selassie and yet, in the thousands years of history of Ethiopia, no other group of people have ever been more bloodthirsty, murderer and looter than Melese and his shameless supporters who are also selling Ethiopia’s land and young Ethiopian children…Let me repeat: Meles is one of the most cruel dictator in the world which will be in the history books for generation to come as Hitler…no doubt that these kinds of achievement make people like yourself very proud–CONGRATULATIONS erhihun!


    Al-Amoudi is a very rich real Ethiopian man whether by chance, lack, or hard efforts. His investment in Ethiopia was mainly from his earnings from outside Ethiopia. In his early days when he started investing he was losing hundreds of millions birrs. Maybe he might have started gaining now due to appreciation of real estate and gold. Another blessing & lack for bold initiative. Let our lord increase his wealth ten folds for each good deed. Ameen.

    Why Ethiopians envy? It’s from genes?

    On another note, I started suspecting Assta B. Gettu might be Gragn Ahmed as well while I tend to think otherwise as most of Gragn’s comments make sense while Assta’s is below bar yet started improving.

    Salamena Tena Le’Hulum including Assta.

    Cheers & Salam

  6. Dear Herute,

    No leverage to influence policy or direction change in Ethiopia!!

    You seem to be clueless of the reality on the ground. Still, you are referring to an outdated policy. Things are changing so rapidly. It is a dynamic world. No country just hands out any DEVELOPMENT AID OR LOAN unless it sees a great mutual potential. We are working on a win-win platform.

    If America and other courtiers fail to see this potential, it is sad that they will be left behind and replaced by China and India and many more development partners. It is for this very reason that I say they don’t have the leverage to influence policy or direction change in Ethiopia. No more meddling! If they come this way, we tell them, NO THANKS KEEP YOUR MONEY IN YOUR POCKET.

    Bottom-line: With or without ——Ethiopia will rise. Live to witness.

  7. Elias, you are becoming a bad loser. That is what I see. Accountability and credibility start at home. You are found guilty and convicted of malicious propoganda in a court where freem of expression is guranteed. It shows how far you have gone. My advice is when you are in hole, you keep digging. I know you have no money but this liability hangs over your head if you make money in the future. It is like bad debt and you may chose to die poor. It is better to lick your wounds and rebuild your credibility. The worest thing you can dou to yourself is to write a lot but to lose to influence noone. So you would rather say less and have influence than spend your time in pleasing no one but yourself. This is my brotherly advice

  8. It is Ramadan true. Let us forgive each other. Instead of hating each other let us promote a holy land Ethiopia with all major branches of historic Ethiopia on the map, with its civilization once again coming back. I have deep resentments for those who hate and write negative about Islam epecially those who hate the wise and nice Ethiopian muslims who are oppressed but this being Ramadan I forgive every one including Assta. I hope now Assta is pleased and happy and enjoying his free speech in America.

    We have to be wise like the Great King Ashama who was kind hearted, humble, pious and God/Allah fearing. Ethiopian Muslims have paid a price both interms of blood, mass eviction and death throught out history.

    Now, let us reflect for one moment realize what we are doing to our selves and my country by hating each other? Do we want to be like Rwanda? Do we want to be like Bosnia? Do we want Bademe? Hope our leaders vow to make zero conflict with neighbors. thiopian history has been framed interms of hate to our neighbors. It is not beacause of my religion I am promoting this foreign policy but because this is what brings security,prosperity and happiness to my people Muslim and non muslims. It has ben over two years now since I came to these Ethiopian websites filled with extreme character assassination and Islamophobia.

    As I said I pledge not to go bac to the old habit which really was a new phenomenon to me. I am not a person who like to hate any one but things were really out of bound.

    In any case, all of you let us pray that we will have a country where we will call it home, Ethiopia or whatever name is that we agree to call it.

    At any rate, If we want Meles to change it with another Meles, that is not the act of civilized people. Because oppositions show no better the current regimes take comfort in this and refuse to budge. Every one of you please vow to change your behavior in this holy month of Ramadan.

    Armed struggle in Africa must end. We should from now on demand our rights to the extent of secession through ballot box. We are interconnected we may hate each other but the necessity of economics will pull us back if we give people to see the light. No wonder Eritrea understands what finally Igad is. Arab countries hate to each other to the extent that It is easy to call USA from Saudi Arabia than from Saudi to Syria. Things don’t work this way and this creates a back ward society likely to be dominated by external forces. Arab young men understand this and are reclaiming it. It will take time but the old time is going out too fast.

    Ethiopia needs bright leaders. But I have not seen one. Let us not focus on individuals and attack the system peacefully. Let us get credence from international countries by our discipline. Insult is not our future.

    Respect your self to be respect. Elias has not shown respect. Although he hates Al Amoudin I don’t think he hates Islam. I will ask Al Amoudin if he can forgive Elias? just joking

    corection to Assta,
    Husni Mubarek, not Husien Mubarek.

    Have a nice Ramadan all.


  9. To all supporters of the Al amoudi,

    The court proceeding you are so happy about is a futile exercise and pretension and nothing more. Everybody knows it unenforceable judgement except woyanes and TPLFites. No wonder you come from Dedebit.

  10. Abc-hahu #105,

    No doubt a Muslim man’s comment makes sense to another Muslim man; therefore, Gragn Muhammad’s comment makes sense to you, but a Christian man’s comment will never make sense to you. You are right! If you read Quran to me about the holiness of Ramadan, it will never make any sense to me because during the Ramadan, a fasting season, Muhammad waged a bloody war. In this case, what is the value of fasting if you go and kill innocent people? We call such action in Amharic language ታጥቦ ጪቃ!

    Where have you been all these months? You appear when Ramadan appears and disappear until Ramadan comes back. What is wrong with you? Have I hurt you with my previous comments, and have you been all these days in a recovery room as the result of the severe concussion you have sustained from my comments?

    I see you praying to your Muslim lord to multiply Al Amoudi’s ill-gotten money; I don’t think he needs your prayer because he has already gotten $285,268 extra to his ten billions he has already stashed in his bank account somewhere in the Middle East or in London but never in the Ethiopian Commercial Bank. So, why don’t you ask your lord to give the Ethiopian famine-victim children bread to eat, glasses of milk to drink, shelters to stay in, and some shoes to wear? I know such charities are very rare in the Arab-Muslim world. Let the followers of Mother Teresa do the job, not the abc-hahu adherents. One day, I hope, we will be able to feed ourselves when the Meles regime dies out and things turn to normal.

    We indigenous Ethiopian Christians never envy someone’s success or gains: envy for bad is not in our nature, but envy for good has always been in our blood. Following the word of the Scripture, we love any person: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud” (1st Corinthians 13:4). Yes, we hate someone’s bad or evil action but not the person himself.

    You cursed me last year’s Ramadan, but you wished me peace and good health this year’s Ramadan. What is going on in your spirit? This means this year’s Ramadan is holier than last year’s Ramadan since you are wishing good will to a Christian person on this year’s Ramadan season, which is in fact an ordinary season like many other seasons.

  11. To doro mata

    Doro you called me “BoqBouaqa”, shame on you Doro,there is an ethiopian saying “WONDE ATAWKEEM GELBEW KALASAUSHE”, I know you are a shabian dog why you guys lurcking around ethiopian web sites.

    It looks you ate to much BELESE on top of that sawa’s Kita, you sounds suffering from constipation, drink more water poor guy.


    PORT ASSEB IS BELONGS TO ETHIOPIANS (Ninty millions not Eris. Six millions). FACT, NO ONE CAN CHANGE.

  12. Yene Assta,

    Greetings to you and everyone in ER world. As I have indicated earlier there is a change in your tone for betterment. That is a good sign of improvement.

    Coming to your comment:-
    You jumped to criticize without understanding my message, that is Assta & Gragn is one. If this is the case where is the praise of Gragn & yours on the opposite since you are one and follow the same train.

    My issue with you is the question of: To whom does Ethiopia belongs? From my understanding you don’t know the correct answer that is the main & core difference with you and including your Tecola Hagos. You have to understand that Ethiopia belongs equally to all it’s children, (Muslims, Christians, & others who are born & lived in the country) irrespective of ethnicity. That means to all of us, M.H. Al-Amoudi, Gragn/Assta, me, etc….

    In respect of envy, come on my compatriot be real, if you don’t many can easily see it. Anyways not to go out of the subject matter I wish to all ER world fans to have a nice & pleasant time.

    Salam & Cheers

  13. From the inception,long,long time ago,when the enemy of Ethiopia not only they were scattered inside Ethiopia and were fermenting deep dislike towards Ehtiopians,they were also roaming around the world,in particular,in the Middle East, in search of those elements who were involving in hurting Ethiopia from many angles,deep and wide.But,to the enemy,Al Amoudi was eurika and valuable found ;the enemy then brought him illegally inside Ethiopia.

    At first,Al Amoudi was scared and confused as to how to present himself to Ethiopians,in fact,uninvited.Being a complete stranger in many ways,he then wore a mask designed and fabricated by the tailers in the enemy camp and settled in the society disguised as an Ethiopian.He then gradually peneterated into the society by using varieties of additional tricks and meanses with full protection from the enemy that illegally borught him into Ehtiopia;in the first place.

    Once,in the enemy camp,the wicked sheik began singing the devil’s songs along with the enemy while focusing on the mission that he came illegally to Ethiopia for.The enemy opened the door wide and the rest of the spoilers above and below him followed him.His taste for the things he sees in Ethiopia is both random and impulsive as his apetite for sex and meat is so varacious even the unknown place that he was reared and grew up could not and was not able to offer him.

    Al Amoudi,for the last twenty years has remained dangerously risk to Ethiopia and Ethiopians.The enemy gave Al Amoudi huge farmlands for little to use it to feed princes in Soudi Arabia and else where at the cost of the eviction of Ethiopians from their farmlands.Hopefully Ethiopians realized that Al Amoudi and Zinawi must be broought to international criminal court for the untold crime that they have been committed on Ethiopia and Ethiopians for the last two decades.

    Rice for Sauddi princesses,gold for the kings,but dust and gravels for Ethiopians,in Ogaden;that is what Zinawi is doing along with the illegals,in Ehtiopia.

  14. Using the murky defination of terrorism or a terrorist and to connect the Sheik or for his donation of money, if any at all is absurd. Or being s Saudi and a Muslim, a sufficient reason to be associated with a terrorist?

    How many Ethiopians got donation or jobs from the Sheik, including the Ethiopian Sport Federation. If Sheik gave money to one of the terrorist without knowing what their intention is, does that make him guilty. If any of the Ethiopians who benefit from his donations commit a crime, does the Sheik become a terrorist by connection.

    While the Sheik’s association with the Woyane is unfortunate, probably necessry for him to operate, but to smear his name is abusrd. Ethiopians need to wage a fair fight, not smear and scare or character assassiantion

  15. GEzae,
    Your views are extremely divisive and dangerous. Al Amoudin is a businessman not politician. He has to do things that he sometimes may not want to do. I am not fan of Al Amoudin but such purely hate filled views like “he should leave our country” is nothing but personal hate and envy it sounds. Let alone him Derg officials and criminals who killed generations are being given by the orhtodox mediation a life savor. So what has Al Amoudin done to merit such hate? I suspect there are some people who hate people just because thier names is not like them.

    AlAmoduin got all Sheraton and other concessions through Derg because he is the one who wanted to start investment in dry weak economic times of Derg. He has indeed encourage many investors and has convinced his friends to invest. Such attitudes are what we need inorder to bring more foreign currency. He invested a lot of his money and mostly it was not a profitable business. But Al Amoudin had a vision for his country as he loved to come back and see it. So he became the best example for bringing Addis to standard city. It is only hate that people try to bring but he deserves a lot of credit. As we know Sheraton is our pride, but people like Gezaee what they want first is destruction after which they will assoume power and then build Ethio[pia? “Kene belay serdo aybekel” is not good at all.

    Let us first give priority to our country. To label Al Amoudin as some weird person is totally unacceptable. MeneliK II who was known unlike other Ethiopian to be a womanizer never been denigrated for this act infact by his folowers he is a big leade and even an hero. We know this is well known fact but some akrari orthodox christians cover this up and tell us he is the blessed and anionted King of Judan back to the Solomonic period. Al Amoudin is Ethiopian in blood and he cares for Ethiopia much more than you guys commenting here. Why not attack Haile Gebreselassie who is collaborating with Weyane to his advantage while Ethiopia is being looted by so many of its traitors and bandas. Al Amoudin does not need Ethiopian money to be famous world wide. Yet he does come to this country. Please let us not scare investors. Don’t mix your personal hate with our country problems. By any measure Al Amoudin is trying his best to put the image of Ethiopia better known in the Arab world and the world at large.

    If he wants to have as many wives and his religion allows him to be so I have no problem. Let us not impose our wills on others. Al Amoudin will stay no doubt about it and Ethiopian people will recognize his efforts. If he came to spread his own religion which I don’t know then so be it. As a man of his own faith he has a right to build as many mosques as he can. He did not touch no one’s face physically.

    So, rest assured that from now on find something else to talk about. You can talk about politics and politicains. I don’t care if you hate Meles as he is in power. But to assume Al Amoudin has political power other than when it comes to his own business is really naive and hollow.

  16. To Melbournian

    You are releasing your verbal diarrhea in an uncontrollable manner. You sound like a “dole bludger” or a “Bogan” from Footscray.

    God bless Ethiopia and Eritrea !

  17. To # 112 abc-hahu

    Don’t try to mix darkness with light by saying Gragn Ahmed is the same person as Assta B. Gettu. Gragn Ahamed stand for the Ethiopian muslim extermist while Assta defender of Ethiopian Christians. Gragn Ahmed as his name tell us remind us our dark day of Ethiopian history where 500 years ago muslim jahdist invade Ethiopian Christian kingdom. Thanks God we survived that hard time. Now the new jhadist Gragn Ahamed spread his hatred aganist Ethiopian Christian and he is moaning about Ethiopian muslims every time. He never speak a single word about the Ethiopian Christain right in the Arab world including the right to exercise thier religion. His love for Al Amoudin shows his support for hiden agenda of Al Amoudin that is spreading Saudi Whabism and mosque building instead of building schools and clinics for the poor including Al Amoudin Wollye relatives.

    Concerning Assta he is the defender of Ethiopian Christians. His passionate support to keep our holy town Axum free from muslim show his determination to fight the muslim extermist in Ethiopia. Ethiopian christian like Israel were surrounded by enemies in every aspect including the Woyanne, Shabia, North Sudan and Al Shebab Somali and muslim extermist like Ahmed Gragn who preach haterd aganist Ethiopian Christians. So Ethiopian Christian should wake up and carefuly follow the movement of muslim extermist who try to destroy the harmony of Ethiopian peace loving muslims brotherly co-existance with the Ethiopian Christians.

  18. #117 Gragn Ahmed can you say few things about the next links instead of being unwanted guest to Alamudi he may not be interested with your senseless advocacy of Alamudi as you know he has enough stolen money from poor Ethiopians to stand for him. Instead of talking about the crazy rich Alamudi say on the next links few things. Speak now if not be silent forever.

  19. My dear Stoned Peter #120,

    I am glad you are back with very shocking links; however, Gragn Ahmed doesn’t care what his Sudani Muslims did to the other Sudani Black Muslims. Don’t go away please!

  20. To Dawit

    I can understand your feeling man, you shabians when you hear the ISSUE OF “PORT ASSEB IS BELONGS TO ETHIOPIA”, Your headache is transforms to migraine, we all know this. By the way i love eritrean brother and sisters but not shabians like you stupid.

    You shabians are shameless this all crying running here and there like mad dog is we all ethiopians know it is not about a barren land badme or whatever, is about your selfish and greed, unless you use ethiopian resoruse and develop like singapore you are deternined to create havoc in the region. FACT ETHIOPIA FOR ETHIOPIANS WITH PORT ASSEB, ERITREA FOR ERITIANS WITH BELESSE AND KITA.

  21. To Melbournian / Footscray dole bludger

    It’s time for you to go , line up and beg for your fotnightly welfare.

    Since you don’t know what you’r talking about, “May all your chooks

    turn into emus and kick your dunny down ” .

    God bless Ethiopia and Eritrea !

  22. Please Elias,
    Post my thank you comment to Abesha #119.

    Dear Abesha,

    Thank you for telling abc-hahu the truth, the only truth, you have been taught since your childhood.

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