Ethiopian Review is celebrating its 20th year of service and commitment by organizing various activities this year. Through a series of events, we are prepared to showcase Ethiopian Review’s proud past and promising future.
Ethiopian Review has clear vision and sense of purpose. First and foremost, we recognize the struggle of the Ethiopian people for freedom is just and sacred. Ethiopian Review will continue to support the struggle in no uncertain terms, as we have done so for the last 20 years. We have come this far through the undying love and support of our readers and our dedicated team.
As we look back in pride and recommit ourselves to work more vigorously in the future, we have devised a strategy to intensify our work inside Ethiopia. Our planned activities for the future revolve around our anniversary theme: Information is Power, and Empowered citizenry is the force behind freedom and democracy.
Ethiopian Review’s board will present its 2011 Plans at a special meeting that is called for this coming Sunday, March 13, at 9 PM Washington DC time. The meeting will be held via teleconference.
To participate, please register by sending email to
Ethiopian Review Board of Directors
7 thoughts on “Ethiopian Review 2011 plans”
I visit Ethiopian Review at least 3 times a day. If I don’t visit the site at least once a day, feel kind of empty. Congratulation for serving this long and wishing you a success future.
Prepare journalistst who can relay information to AlJazerra, CNN, and other media outlets on the upcoming Ethiopian revolution.
Good Point Netsanet,
Better yet develop networking with all International Media. Sometimes it is as easy as buying a beer or two for one or two correspondents of the area.
Congratulations!! ER for 20 years of excellent service. I was one of your customers who used to enjoy reading the print journals – very detailed and well researched articles.
Way to go my brother
We are always on your side as you are the real freedom fighter. Keep up this excellent job until we regain our freedom and beyond that. Free press is always there even after freedom (in a democratic society).
Right on , Brother!!! Right on!!!!.
Personally I profusely thank you for gracing me with your platform so I can say my mind. I called you a national treasure before and I mean it. I mean this not for the sake of making a living off your platform. I worked very hard to make a living and raised two adorable children in doing so. Up until a few years my priority was raising my children all the way through their college years. Once they were on their own and myself semi-retired, I had the time to look into the affairs of our homeland and was looking for a perfect platform to say what has been in my mind for a while. Then I ran smack into your website and was I delighted!!! Thank you for giving this aging man a venue to have a conversation with his beloved people. And I admire your tenacity and persistence. Thank you!!! Thank you!!!!