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US embassy in Addis to host discussion with the opposition

The American embassy in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa has invited opposition groups for discussion on current developments in the region, Addis Neger reports:

The embassy says that public uprisings, originating in Tunisia and Egypt, are expanding throughout the region to countries such as Bahrain, Jordan, Libya, Yemen and lately to neighboring Djibouti. According to embassy sources, the US government has expressed concern that similar uprisings may begin in Ethiopia, and that symptoms of such uprisings are already being revealed.

The opposition groups in Ethiopia will be ill-advised to start any kind of negotiation with Meles Zenawi other than demanding his immediate and unconditional resignation.

76 thoughts on “US embassy in Addis to host discussion with the opposition

  1. Advice to the opposition and the Ethiopian brothers and sisters: Just do not listen the western. Just do what is Eritrea has been doing. Decide your own destination instead the western decide for you. If you not listen the western, the only thing you will miss is their crippling AID and I know Ethiopia is the most natural resources rich and talented people just like Eritreans and could live with out AID. So just kick those suckers out of your land.

  2. If instead of mobilizing the people for any meaningful resistance to woyane,if the opposition decides to attend and be part of the US embassy’s meddling (“discussion”)in this country’s worsening situation, it will have a negative impact on the credibility of opposition groups.
    With all due respect for the opposition group,particularly for the UDJ,I didn’t like the way this former defense minister(siye) dominating the party’s affairs.Everytime I hear about UDJ ,it is Siye making new.In my view he(siye)shouldn’t even be in this position as his hands are not clean and soon or later this is going to be an issue in this party.

  3. The current negotiation is obvious. It is only to save Meles and his regime from the current SUNAME. Never to the advantage of the oppressed Ethiopian peoples. Thus, opposition leaders you have to listen to the heart-beat of the Ethiopian people and think twice before jumping into negotiation to serve as a machinery to reverse the peoples’ revolution. It is obvious the idea of negotiation at this time can only be initiated by Meles using backdoors in order to once again diffuse the peoples’ uprising. If you be fooled again like “Mamo Kilo” or bribed by the tyranny and come out with foolish agreement, then you are not any different from Meles and the Ethiopian people don’t need you and will get rid of you too. FREEDOM FOR ETHIOPIAN PEOPLE!!!!

  4. The current negotiation is obvious. It is only to save Meles and his regime from the current SUNAME. Never to the advantage of the oppressed Ethiopian peoples. Thus, opposition leaders you have to listen to the heart-beat of the Ethiopian people and think twice before jumping into negotiation to serve as a machinery to reverse the peoples’ revolution. It is obvious the idea of negotiation at this time can only be initiated by Meles using backdoors in order to once again diffuse the peoples’ uprising. If you be fooled again like “Mamo Kilo” or bribed by the tyranny, then you are not any different from Meles and the Ethiopian people don’t need you and will get rid of you too. FREEDOM FOR ETHIOPIAN PEOPLE!!!!

  5. Don’t expect to be freed by the us government. They don’t care about your freedom. They only care about their interest. So, we shold be ready to die for our freedom. We should not afried to die. Let us pass freedom to our childeren.

  6. Déjà vu. Do you remember all the oppesition leaders what hapen to them to get out from prison by the then US embacy. Why do we expect forign powers to bring as democracy. It start from us, when we are ready to sacrifice our selves, else is secondary or do for thier own interest.

  7. Enough is enough!!!!!!
    Meles is running to save his barbaric regime but it is too late. The Ethiopian people have been oppressed and say enough is enough.
    Please do not trust the Americans. They are trying to save this blood sucker man in power.
    I have one question, who are the Ethiopian oppositional parties?
    We do not have any oppositional party at this momment and we do not need them. The Ethiopians are wise enough to lead themselves. We can lead the uprising without any oppositional parties.
    Our forfathers saved Ethiopia from colonoalism while Emperor Haile Sellassie fleed to Western countries to save himself. So we can do the same history and bring this corrupt regims to its knee and make Ethiopia free from internal colonization.

  8. There is no compromise with Ethiopians’ Revolution.After having Meles Zinawi and American Embassy discussed their secret scheme and plans behind Ethiopians,they both came up with a plan to trap the oppositions leading to crush the most awaited Ethiopians’ revolution.This revolution belongs to Ethiopians;not to oppositions;therefore,the oppositions must not put the revolution in danger.

    Question:- why did not American Embassies’ did not do the same thing that the American Embassy in Ethiopia is currently doing, where in countries where the revoluton started and carried on and finally evolved as victory then spread to the rest contries?

    Ethiopians will never trust Meles Zinawi and American Embassy at all.If the opposition fail to read the hearts and minds of the owners of the Ethiopians’ revolution and go ahead with their own and sit with Meles Zinawi and American Embassy,then,the opposition shall be taken accountable and responsible for the damage that may incur to the revolution.Ethiopians’ revolution by the people for the people.

  9. Ato Tedla, do you think Lidetu;s(kidetu) party is not oppostion? that party already not exist after 2005. most of the memeber are join UDj. now Udj/mederke and AEUp does’t accept this USA tatics.they have to say Melese must go.

  10. To # 43, you said ” Even Siye Abraha is willing to work with the government after being imprisoned, he went to jail for 6 years and he was Meles’s closest minister, the opposition leaders for igniting chaos resulting in the death of 200 people only got 2 years, they should not be bitter. If the opposition do not have a leader, then by all means make Siye Abraha the leader of the opposition and fight for a political reform respecting and using the constitution.”

    With all due respect, this is very funny! Siye is TPLF undercover within the opposition. The opposition is infiltirated by weyane tags like Siye, Gebru, Alemseged, Tewelde, Aregash etc. That is why the opposition is divided and at each others throat. No one with his right mind can trust the former TPLF members. If there is any conflict within the TPLF members, it is only a conflict of intrest between each other without any regard to the Ethiopian people.

    Back to the American Emassy’s call to the oppostion, just like Mubarek and his generals, Meles and his generals are in the US payroll. No one in the horn of African can serve the US interest like Meles, therefore, the US has no choice but to protect Meles at any cost. Look what he did to the Somalis to serve the US interest, he invaded Somalia at the expense of the Ethiopian youth without any provocation from the Somalis.

    Therefore, we don’t trust the opposition especially the former TPLF members. We believe in our people, we have a fresh memory on what people can do when they are united.

    The masses will prevail!
    Long live Ethiopia!

  11. There should not be any discussion whatsoever with Meles. Ethiopians should just ask him to leave like the Tunisians and Egyptians said to their dictators. There is nothing to discuss with Meles anymore. We have exhausted all subjects of discussion. Now is the time for firm action only.
    God bless and keep Ethiopia safe from Meles and the marauding mercenaries, who are destroying her land and her forests. Hopefully it will not be long before they are banished from our beloved country.

  12. Since the beginning of the revolution that started in Tunisia Meles Zinawi has lost countless days of his sleep knowing that he too will be awaiting the turn that other dictators got it one by one.

    So,as the revolution spoke in Tunisia and Egypt heard it,the sweeping traveler,the unstopable revolution scouped up the dictators that the world knew them well.

    Ethiopian revolution will have a good delivery;this,Meles Zinawi must know it well.For sure,Meles Zinawi is tired not because of the workout to melt down a few pounds that he put up for the last 28 days,just because he is nearly running out of time and options.We have nothing to advise Zinawi,the murderer but to leave Ethiopia alone and free.

    If the shopping spree of Azeb Mesfin is an indication of packing up and leave Ethiopia,this too must be ginving Zinawi a good inkling.But the real indication of his final and last fate is coming with lightning speed in just few days.

  13. I agree with #64, the time for Meles to negotiate is long gone. He should not only resign but he must not allowed to stay in the country. He divided the country under colonialist era ethnic Kills. It is time for all Ethiopians to rise and shout with one voice for the departure of this anti Ethiopia regime.

  14. Remember who sabataged ethiopian revolution in 2005, it was the so called ambasador Yamato who stood with dictator meles while meles killed thousands and arrested millions of innocent amhara and a oromo youth.The idea of the same meeting with the ambassy has two purpose, to attempt to stop popular uprising by bribing opposation leaders into power sharing with ruling tigray part; and or the embassy is looking for new puppet leader after the fall of the regime in the scheduled protest this month.

  15. América deja de intervenir –

    We will cut off the neck of Meles and bury him in the compound of US Embassy in Addis.This would be a good lesson for any forthcoming leader in Ethiopia. The US government starting from Jimmy Carter has incurred heavy damage on the sovereignity of our motherland.
    After the fall of the despot Meles zenawi, we will demand the US government either to pay a compensation or indemnity. Otherwise we will chase out every US citizen to Somalia and close the Embassy once and for all.

    la lucha continúa

    Yankees de volver a casa !

  16. Wow To believe USA will help facilitate Ethiopia form a Democratically Elected regime is Unrealistic ,They were financing awarding and inviting the dictator and mass murderer Meles Zenawi for the last 20 yrs –What is changing now another VICKI AND BEYENE PETROS KIND OF DEFUSING PEOPLE UPRISING IN THE BACK DOOR DEAL ??? YOU FOOL ME ONCE SHAME ON YOU YOU FOOL ME TWICE SHAME ON ME

  17. How on earth would the Embassy will orchestrate the deal !! No way !!!
    we shouldn’t forget carters policy on ethiopian gov’t.They put us in mess.we sholdn’t forget herman cohens mess to ethiopia ! we the people of ethiopia will only decide by our selves. No intervention !the world is changing and we have enough educated people to lead the country according to Ethiopians prime interest we should first kick and get rid woyannes and its garrisons ( hodam bandawoch ].No back door deal !!

  18. I would like to say thankyou to the American Embassy trying to hosting Negotation between the rulling dictator and opposition.Because if onec erupt demonistration it never stop and may a blood river shade,Ethiopia is not Tunisia, Egypt,Jordan,Yemen or Bahrain.The Tyrany buildes The Defens,Police and security forces 90% from one ethnic groups (Remember wwII)I dont wish this for the people of Ethiopia,but by any cost of diplomatic and Economic Embargo must down Meles and his party or reform.Please Oppsitions Compromise Every thing dont panic and Paranoid God bless Ethiopia

  19. Hayalom Zeleke, #43
    You must be one of Meles’ faithful Weyane or Eritrean cousins. You even dare to tell us “EPRDF is ready to engage the people with a serious concern, and they have shown several times how ready they are to work with the opposition, it is the opposition that is not coming to one single voice. If the opposition is united and present their concern the Prime Minister and his party are willing to engage them and resolve the problem.” By the way there’s no such thing as “EPRDF”, it is just nominal. It’s a pseudonym for TPLF or Weyane. When has the TPLF been serious or ‘ready to work with the opposition’ during all these 20 years? Weyane has put all sorts of obstacles and impediments, including murdering or imprisoning opposition candidates and supporters, etc. We know that Meles and his mad puppet on a string, Bereket, have been supercilious and insolent whenever the opposition wanted serious dicussions. They just keep saying ‘if you want freedom and democracy take up arms and go into the bush like we did’! Is that considered as being “ready to work with the opposition”?
    You also say “Majority of Ethiopians want solution to a problem not protest, they need food prices go down, and they need jobs and work for Ethiopia’s development…” Well you are right, but where were you all these 20 years? You told us that the economy is doing very well every year, like 7% growth. There have been no improvements to the lives of the ordinary people, except maybe to Weyane cadres and cronies.
    You seem to have a short memory about what happened after the 2005 elections. As you know Siye wasn’t involved in the elections of 2005. He was imprisoned for something else. You accuse “…the opposition leaders for igniting chaos resulting in the death of 200 people only got 2 years, they should not be bitter.” What happened in 2005 is exactly what is happening now in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrein, Yemen and Libya. The Ethiopian youth had enough of the ruthless Weyane rule and took to the streets to peacefully demonstrate, but were mowed down mercilessly. No Western government rebuked the Weyane government then for using live ammunition on the people. It must be said that IT WAS THE ETHIOPIAN PEOPLE WHO WERE THE VANGUARD OF THIS PEACEFUL MOVEMENT which has spread throughout North Africa and the Middle East.
    Your comments above seem as if they are instructions from Meles himself. You even recommend that the opposition should meet with the American Embassy. That did no good for the Ethiopian people in 2005. Your advice came several years too late. I think Weyane has missed the boat now. This is a people’s movement and has nothing to do with opposition Parties. The people will decide what to do when they see it fit.

  20. The U.S policy towards the third world countries has never been consistent. The main beneficiaries of the crafters of these polices, the private entities and offshore Banks, are driven by hidden agenda to achieve global conquest and control of security at the expense of each nation.
    For instanse, when the regime shaking phenomena begin in Tunisa, it first has mild reception. When the event reached Egypt the reaction of the major powers was totally different. The Egyptian event saw the active involvement of Washington in the removal of Mubarek.Many journalists were on the ground, the media gave round the clock coverage of the developing events in Cairo. Not only were called to give expert advice about the Egyptian army, the Moslem Brother, and the entire event. In one word Washington was instrumental in the removal, against his will, of Mubarak.
    When it comes to Baharin, The U.S is very loyal to the royals of Bahrain and is indifferent to the situation, we have yet to see any warning from U.S.In Bahrain we see U.S foreign policy being in forced in favor of the status que.Some have pointed out multiple factors at play in here-oil, take over of power by the Shite Muslims may mean lose of U.S military base and lose of regional allay
    It is to be remembered since the uprising in N.Africa and the Middle East the U.S sponsored meeting between the ruling Wayne and the Ethio.oppostion is the first of its kind to be proposed. One marbles here at the extent of U.S involvement in the affairs of Ethiopia. Is there any wonder then at this pivotal moment if Washington shows interest in saving the precarious condition of Melese by sabotaging the prevailing golden moment in favor of the opposition?
    This is our moment and we must move cautiously and, methodically to execute a well thought out plan when the moment ripe for Ethiopian upprising.Any entanglement with Washington and Weyane, at this moment, suicidal. The only unilateral demand the opposition need to put in place is Melese and his hordes vacate power peacefully, so that Ethiopians can usher a new era of democracy, peace and prosperity. I hope that the leaders of the opposition need to be aware of this entrapment. The tattering fences of tyranny is being demolished by the popular uprising every where, at this very moment. Then why are we to be invited to sit down with the man who had and stubbornly continue to bleed Ethiopia? Why do the Ethiopian public, after all this sacrifice and humiliation are to sit down with the enemy of our people? U.S foreign policy planners, time is running out, you must say to Melese what you have been saying to Mubarak, vacate now. Nothing less than the departure of Melese and his hunch men should be acceptable for Ethiopian opposition.

  21. US’S fascination in sustaining the life spans of world’s most despised
    genocidal tyrants is the root causes of sufferings in Africa, particularily in Ethiopia. Meles Zenaw and simeon are responsible for
    genocide in Ethiopia. Ethiopian are smothered to breaking point, that they don’t have popular freedoms some countries like Egypt and Tunisia.

    Even without protesting Ethiopian are subjected to harassements, expulsions, death and lengthy imprisonments, without trials. Therefore, for Ethiopian majority, the so called negotiations between Meles assassins is comparable to USA slaves of 1780’s demading their freedom from whites. It is like asking to be killed in masses. USA can help the Ethiopian people by asking the Meles regime remove the marshal law he uses. Free private press, demand of tyrant to stop selling private farms of opposition to enrich tyrany.

    Otherwise, time and again USA is accomplice to the very sufferings of the Ethiopian mothers, children elders, babies. USA assisstants are nothing but all weapons used to suppress majority under the yoke of a few bloody tyrants far worse than Mubarack and GHADAFIS.

    No more, USA, but we seek help from GOD almighty, who judges blood thirsty- Meles Zenawi to go nuts and jump off the cliffs of mount everest.

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