Ethiopian Satellite TV (ESAT) is back online today after being off air for 24 hours, according to the station’s management. ESAT is now transmitted on the following frequency:
C-BAND Intelsat 10 at 68.5E
SYMBOL 10340 FEC 3/4
9 thoughts on “ESAT is back on air after a 24-hour interruption”
please correct the new ESAT satellite direction as 68.5 East.
Congratulations ESAT you are doing a great thing for the Mamma Ethiopia go go go…..
Congratulations ESAT !! We will support ESAT financially and in any way we can.
Congrats ESAT!! Keep up the good job!!
By the way do you now how some peopel translate ESAT “Ethiopia Setehone Atesemame Tenkole (yemideregebehen Tenokl.
Melese and his cadres belive that they may block for information once but not always!!
God Bless ESAT staffs and organizers!!
the only way ESAT do is to transmit to ethiopia by KU-BAND. the solution to ethiopian people to know the truth information and free press .
Does anyone know if it’s possible to get the ESAT transmission on the Internet. Paid or free.
ኢሳትን ለማግኘት የግድ የዲሼን አቅጣጫ መቀየር አለብኝ ወይስ ኢንተልሳት 10 የሚስብ ዲሽ መግዛት አለብኝ? የሚገርም ነው። አረብሳት ላይ መስራት ያቃታችሁ ምክንያት ምንድነው? አዲስ የጀመረውን የጆርዳንና የሳውዲ መንግስት ጥምር ሳተላይት «jasco»ሳተላይት አነጋግራችኋል? አስተማማኝ መላ ፈልጉ፤ ከዚያም የሚጠበቅብንን ወገናዊ እርዳታችንን ጠይቁ!!!
ESAT was available at PAS 7/10. Is it possible to watch on Intelsat 10 at the same direction? Any help will be apprecieated.
Many Thanks
ESAT is the only and only tool to get our beloved people back home free from the brutual and one ethnic regime. The is coming an ESAT day when we cam make a fund raising for this great television. Lets all of us contrbuite and make a difference.