By Elias Kifle
In getting ready to defend Ethiopian Review against Woyanne money man Al Amoudi’s malicious lawsuit, we are encouraged by the outpouring of support from Ethiopians around the world, including those with whom some times we disagree. (see the lawsuit here)
I am particularly touched by the show of solidarity that is being shown by EMF (, ECADF ( and AbbayMedia ( I am grateful to both Ato Kinfu Assefa and Ato Girum Zegeye.
I have had bitter disagreements with Girum Zegeye of AbbayMedia and some of the ECADF admins in the past, so far as calling each other names. But when Ethiopian Review is threatened by the Woyanne junta, they are among the first to come to our defense.
Qale Ethiopian Forum has interviewed me today and called on its members to stand with Ethiopian Review.
Ato Kifle Mulat from the Ethiopian Free Press Journalists Association has sent a message of support and solidarity today.
Other developments
Netsanet LeEthiopia Radio in Washington DC will have a program on the Al Amoudi lawsuit next Sunday.
Ethiopians in London are getting organized to assist with the legal battle.
There will be a teleconference next Saturday at 3 PM Washington DC time (8 PM London time) to discuss strategies. The conference is open to every one who wishes to help out. To participate, please send email to [email protected]
An Ethiopian Review Legal Fund has been set up. Click here for more info.
Some time next week, I will announce our response to the U.K. High Court where Al Amoudi’s lawsuit has been filed.
50 thoughts on “Defending against Al Amoudi”
elias no doubt you should be supported by freedom lovers ethiopians around the world for your outstanding job. you are our hero and i am hoping some of the current affiar admins who have never been practical except attacking brave people like you will participate to support you by reducing thier insult as many other ethiopians will be on your side.
shame on weyane!
it is an attack on all freedom loving Ethiopians spread around the world by woyane,so waken up guys!
Eliase courage! The truth shall set you freee! Millions stand behind you.
Elias, please know that this harassment is not only directed at you, but on all non-woyane Ethiopians.
Please, somebody explain me, how a man like Almoudi who is banned from entering in United State can sue or harass an American citizen for his/her free speech out side of US?
Knowingly or unknowingly Al Amoudi is insulting his own daughter by suing ER on her behalf.
I believe she is older than 18 who can legally defend her self. It would have looked good for him, if he let her defend her self and pay for her lawyer instead.
It showcases that how Al Amoudi and his cohorts are myopic and stupid. This amorphous creature is treating his adult daughter as a little baby, how do you expect him to respect other people.
Why isn’t Almoudi suing the author of this book?
we will be with you all the way!!!
If Ethiopian Review is found to be guilty, what can be the max verdict?
I am with you all with my resources and prayers, God Be with you.
I remembered every bits and pieces what Elias made us to read on his article of that time. Nothing went wrong, I was rather perplexed at and found Alamoudin’s lawsuit to be unspeakable tragedy.
Elias Let God has a mercy on you.
It would be nice ,if we can file a law suit against melse and his hoddam dogs in America. I still donot understand how the British court could have power on American Law. Specially when it comes to the freedom of speach and press. I think they are just wasting your time.
Elias count me in with u & ER.
we are with you bro!
Elias, getting support is essential. EMF and ECADF giving you support is commendable. But the battlefield is somewhere else: in the court. For that you need a group of lawyers who are very familiar and proficient with the British court system and law. My guess is once he files Mr. Alamoudi tries everything in his power– money– to prevail. You have to be able to assemble a group of trial lawyers who could withstand the billionaire hired hands. You have to know this: Besides the billionaire EPDRF likes you to lose. That in itself means the court room battle might not be easy. Wish you the best.
Elias, defending you means defending our freedom. Defending you also means defeating Woyane or Legesse Zenawi. We will pay any price to defend our freedom.
BELEFELEFU BAF YITEFU. My dear Elias ,you don’t start a job you don’t finish. So, get your act together & defened your rear end.
At the same time, Dear Elias, please curtail your misguided activities such
as Eritrea, and the preposterous attack on Memher Zebene in the future. This ought to be a no-baby-sitter zone therefore act like a mature and responsible public figure. The worst scenario of the court ruling would be that you lose and unless you pay, UK would bar you from entering the country, and that you remain a refuge like Julian Assange of WikiLeaks only to be apprehended one day by international law enforcement. Remember that United Kingdom is where Tom Cruise and the rest of Holywood win big judgments in their libel suits. Meanwhile you have a consoling friend in radio host Michael Savage, who was also barred from U.K.
They have money and power; you have the whole non weyane Ethiopians and The Almighty God. Our prayers are with you Elias. You will never lose. Goliath, the most powerful man in the world is defeated by David.
Had you been a music or Porno website or what ever editor you wouldn’t have faced such problem. Rather you preferred to fight for the voiceless Ethiopians using your website.You prefered to fight for that mystical land Ethiopia, for the integrity and soverignity of the nation,… God sees Elias.
Trust me the God of Ethiopia will never let you down.
ይህን ያውቁ ነበር – የሼክ መሐመድ አላሙዲ ግማሽ ትግሬነት?
በአብዛኛው የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ በ”ሀብታቸው” የሚታወቁት ሼክ መሐመድ አላሙዲ ፖለቲካ ውስጥ ከገቡ
ውለው አድረዋል። ባለሀብቶች በግልጽ የፖለቲካ አቋም አይዙም ይባላል። ሼኩ ግን በግልጽ የኢሕአዴግ
አባል መሆናቸውን ከተናገሩ ሰንበትበት ብለዋል። ትውልድን በተመለከተ ሼኩ በአብዛኛው የሚታወቁት
በእናታቸው ወሎየ እንደሆኑ ነው። ይህ ግን ትክክል አለመሆኑን ተረድቻለሁ። በርግጥ ወሎ አፈር
ፈጭተው ያደጉበት አገር ነው። ሆኖም ግን የዘር ሀረጋቸው ከወሎ አይደለም። ነገሩ እንዲህ ነው፦
የመናዊው አባታቸው ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ለንግድ ሥራ ይመጡና ከአክሱም አንድ ክርስቲያን ሴት ጋር
ግንኙነት ይጀምራሉ። ግንኙነቱም ያድግና ልጅ ይወለዳል። የአክሱም ሰዎችም እንዴት ከሙስሊሙ
ትወልጃለሽ ብለው አካኪ ዘራፍ ማለት ሲጀምሩ የእስልምና እምነት ተከታዮች ወደ ሚበዙበት ወደ ወሎ
ክ/ሀገር ይሄዳሉ። በዚያም የመናዊው ነጋዴና አክሱማዊቷ የትግሬ እመቤት ሼክ አላሙዲንን ጨምሮ
ሌሎችን ወልደው ያሳድጋሉ። በዚህም በእናታቸው ምክንያት ሼኩ ትግርኛን አቀላጥፈው ይናገራሉ።
የወያኔ ሹማምንቶችንም መለስ ዜናዊን ጨምሮ የሚያናግሩት በትግርኛ ቋንቋ ነው። ሼኩም በተለያዬ ጊዜ
ለወያኔ/ኢሕአዴግ እስከመጨራሻው እንደሚታገሉ ገልጸዋል።
በተመሳሳይ ሁኔታ ብዙ የወያኔ ባለስልጣኖች (በአማራ ድርጅት ተብየው ውስጥም ያሉት) ወላጆቻቸው
ከትግራይ ወጥተው ሌላ ቦታ ሄደው ወልደው ያሳደጓቸው እንደሆነ ይነገራል። ይህንን ምን ይሉታል?
ethiopian from all over the world are on Your Side
The Ottomans treatened our existence;the Egyptians attempted to destroy our lives;the Italians foolishly tried to colonize Ethiopia,but all were crushed to their defeat;so will be the arabian sheiek,Al Amoudi.
Gold to decorate the kings,rice to feed the thousands preances,and sheep and goats to the sheikes above him,little grils to himslf,and women to arabmadames.We are deeply hurt and wounded,but we shall heal the wounds inflicted upon us by our collaborative struggle and unity to bringing Al Amoudi to justice and make him pay the ultimate price.
Dozens of little girls,they don’t even have orgasim! Ethiopians,don’t you feel deeply hurt?
በአሁኑ ጊዜ ተደማጭነትና ታዋቂነትን ካገኙ ድምፃውያን ተርታ የምትሰለፈው ሔለን በርሔ ነች፡፡ በቅርቡ ያወጣችው ‹‹ታስፈልገኛለህ›› አልበም በታክሲዎች፣ በሙዚቃ ቤቶችና በአዲስ አበባ ክለቦች በብዛት ይሰማል፡፡
አልበሙ ከመለቀቁ በፊት በማስተዋወቂያነት በየጎዳናው የተለጠፈውና የብዙዎችን ትኩረት የሳበው፣ ቁጢጥ ብላ የምትታይበት ምስልም ‹‹ታስፈልገኛለህ›› የሚለውን ዜማዋን ያስተላለፈችበት ይመስላል፡፡
We are all Elias. A lawsuit against Elias is a lawsuit against all freedom loving Ethiopians. We are all Elias and the enemies need to be reminded that.
Dear ethiopians, this is a real test by woyane thugs against freedom and justice loving ethiopians in the diaspora who are the vanguards of ethiopian peple. We all have to support Elias against Alamudin, a pedophile and a TPLF messenger. The TPLF which has donated the most precious large areas of gold mine to Alamudin did not even return the confiscated homes and private lands to original owners. They returned it only in Tigray. Mind you These homes and lands were confiscated by Derg 37 years ago. All anto woyane ethiopians must stand against TPLF dictators. Please join PALTALK Political rooms for live coverage 24 hrs. a day. Qale and ECADF rooms are actively working to support Elias.
Elias You need to contact Julian Assange of WikiLeaks.He can give you some advice.Both of you will be spending the rest of your life in Guantanamo prison.
Run baby,run to Eritrea now you have no other choise.Interpole will hunt you as soon as the verdict.
The lawsuit against Ethiopian review is not directed towards Elias Kifle. It is directed towards free press in general. They are trying to silence the website first and go to others next. We all have to unite in defending Ethiopian review together. We have to show them an attack on one is an attack on all free press loving society.As a member of Free press loving society I will like to express my support in every possible way.
Elias:the heroic names used in our ethos for persons such as Atse Tewodros–Anbessa and Jegna–apply to you here. All of the positions you have taken Woayane tugs, Abba Diablos, ext. are clear reminders that you are a hero of mine and I am sure of others as well. Afe Moudi (Ala Moudi, whatever his name is)will lose the lawsuit…just wait and wee. I wish the best, Ante Yeethiopia Jegna.
Be sure of my support, Elias.
Here is what Mr. Alhamudi says in his own words about the preferential treatment he alone is afforded by Mr.zenawi and company.
We must stand in defense of Elias Kifle. He did his best to be the voice of the voiceless and defender of our right.
We must also know that Al Amoudin is not on his own in this law suit against Elias. The Sheik is just a cover to make us believe that the fight is between Elia and Al Amoudin. As a matter fact, this fight is between Meles and Elias.
Here is a good example to explain how Meles is operating using Al Amoudin in his business. We all remember from the news that Al Amoudin paid 20 million US dollars towards President Clinton initiative. What followed immediately was the most intersting part. We were told, Meles was the only African leader to be at the Clinton initiative meeting. This is to make us believe that the money paid for the entrance ticket to the meeting was not from Melese’s pocket, but from the multi-billionaire Sheik. So what, you may ask? Well, if the payment was from Melese pocket, Ethiopians might voice he paid it from his loot. If it is paid by the sheik, it is okay because he is a multi-billionaire and afford to pay. Both ways, the money is a loot from the poor Ethiopians.
The Sheik and Melese work hand and glove. If we talk about the sheik, we must also talk about Melese. The two are one and the same and inseparable in any way. The enemy Elias is facing is big economically and politically. We should not let down Elias and allow those guys bring him down the way they desire. If we let Elias down, we also fail to our detriment. We just cannot afford to compromise our right more than any time.
Let’s all stand in defense of Elias. Together, we can do better than Al Amoudin!!
Thank you # 7.
Why isn’t Almoudi suing the author of this book?
“Book Exposes Saudi businessman in Ethiopia, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein funding al Qaeda”.
OR, OR … etc?
Lets all open our eyes and know thy self. Unless we want to be kept in darkness as long as our enemies want.
Are you relating Memhir Zebene to Al Amoudi? What is your point? Elias reports what needs to be known by Ethiopians. It is up to us to make use of the information. What don’t you pick a fact from ER report about Zebene and tell us a different story, if you have one. Elias is a hero, who deserves appreciation. He did his part. Those of us who stand for Ethiopia, will support him. Kepp the good work, Elias.
Oromos for Elias!!!!!!
The guidance below also shows how serious libel case is in UK:
I urge instead Al Amoudin to sue Assta Getu rather equally as he wrote extensively against him. It looks like the Sarah story if it is found to be untrue will show us one of the most catastrophic blogging libel in Ethiopian journalism. What make the libel so much of a great concern is the celebrity status of the people involved. Almoudin or Meles. Meles being a pro Western leader is and will be protected by the law. Hence, the cost will be on Elias to handle. In Ethiiopia it is considered as heroic to defame famous people but this in the West can cost you fortunes.
Now, the simple question is: is this story true? If not true, then it means the whole defamation law suit could sky rocket as the story involves his own precious daughter, royal family of saudi and his business effort in his homeland Ethiopia. Basically, it has destroyed his backbone and his reliability as a responsible citizen.
It is important to note that even if the story comes form guardian newspaper it is the repsonisbility of Elias to confirm the authenticity of the story otherwise he is as responsible.
We will see soon.
Comentator # 25 and some others who shares the same opinion lacks common decency. Please select a matured word to address your issue. It looks like #25 is at the side of Alamoudi. That is fine this is your right to be wrong.But that does not mean that you have every right to slander Ethiopian Review. If you have a solid fact that supports Alamodi’s allegation againt Ethiopian Review, please bring it to the table and the people will give you their verdict. Any thing less than this will be considered uncivilized.
Elias, you will prevail because yours is a just cause unlike your foe who is pushing the lawsuit convinced he can trump on any oponent with the might of his looted money.Remember the David vs Goliath lesson. Equipped with truth and courage you can overcome alamoudi’s hired guns.
CoMMentator#35, you don’t have to be civilized when you deal with pirate like Elias, a self appointed guardian of Ethiopian people….He needs to be desist from disseminating baseless information using his web site.
Don’t talk about fact….Elias’ deeds and actions are the antithesis of FACT….
Thank you so much to all Ethiopians for standing firm in unity to defend the free press against Zinawian robbers and their agents such as the disgraced alien,that Sheik Al Amoudi.Well,this useless goathead,ailien shall definitely be defeated and sent back to where he came from.We shall never allow this,the frontman of the international brotherhood to steal Ethiopia.
Simply put,he has been exloiting the resources of Ethiopia and luring little girls of all ages for the last twenty years,at the beginning in cladestine,and later openly under the protection of the owners of the lawless regime.This blood sucker is totally a nightmare to thousands of householdes and families.God! how could these ailien dare undermine the power of Ethiopians?
Peoples are power;when this sick sheik is captured,the rest of the sheiks above him shall be kneeled down and crawl to meet their dear and bitter fate.
elias i think in the future you should leave the innocent kids alone, they have done nothing wrong. i dont blame alamudi or any one for being angry at some one who slander his children, and no amount of playing victim on your side can erase that. new’r naw. you also may have to explain in front of a court and perhaps pay for the damage you deliberately caused to the girl and her family. good luck.
#24 To Wubitu: You are a shaebian hate mongerer, trying to sow hate among Ethiopians. Of all the commentators, you are the only one that used Tigray.
Your main pupose to pit Amharas,against Tigryans. This situation will allow you and your Egyptian masters to get an easy ride to our dear Ethiopia.
You got caught Egyptin puppet, no Ethiopian makes ethnic referenc, we only stick to the main point.
Good luck sheabian man. Ethoopians should unit for democray.
It is not the defence, but I am seeing at least $5,000,000 to be defrauded by fake enforcements (Highly interested stalkers of African Monkeys) and the snitches. Emeye Bazeto Netella Megza 55 bucks and 55,000 per each thug,, East Coast Supremecists. They stalk. God knows about England.
Who was the former FBI agent? May be he is a thug who scared the hell out of Poor Eli. You stink! The swarms are in to defraud black monkeys and they don’t care.
Hate message as it will be hoaxed or not, if I ever find my way out against the odds of AlAmoudi and American politics (Politics of the Thugs), I will leave the Country in less than 24 hours. They are stalking one Ethiopian American Man for undisclosed reason and supported by Ethiopian-Eritrean snitches and thugs. America Stank and Obama sank. I want to leave. Holder thinks and sinks.
You have to take care of your self. If you have supportive documents for what you wrote, you will be free. Otherwise you have to be responsible for your bad act and go to prison. I would like to feed one poor kid instead of sending money for you.sendin money for you is a west. Your hetrade for Mr. Alamudi is becouse of his religion. You can’t lable alquida or terrorist for all muslims. You have to watch your mouse.
you deserve to be in prison for your uncontroled behaviour.
Selam Elias,
As you stated, yes we differ on elements of democracy on what should go first and last and how we implement the democratically elected government in Ethiopia. We never differ or have separate issues when it comes to the lawless dictatorial regime and all its agents paid or otherwise.
I fell harmed as much as you are and we will take the same steps way you take to defend the ER and most importantly, time is around the corner to invoke the American Justice system!
Peace and stay strong!
i envy you elias. I wish i have the strength and courage to keep at it when others succumb to the ups and downs of the struggle. you have already won against alamoudi by uniting ethiopians to support u.
Elias you are a hero as you are very civilized to give a credit for emf, and ecadf paltalk, unlike to thier insult against you. I was ashmed to hear from the room owner so called vagabond enndelbu who was insulting your personality on his controlled room while others were afraid to stop him. It is very disappointing that those ethiopians who want a democracy over weyane are being manipulated by a few vagabond and trash cyber hero individuals like the current affair admins. But you are a real hero to many ethiopians irrespective of thier barking like a dog behind a computer. Shame on anti oppostion cult group of current affair and other anti oppostion elements. and death to weyane.
elias keep up your job. as many ethiopians are and will be on your side. we love you elias kifle and dont get distructed by these vagabond and trash individuals.
Elias, Iam sure you are aware of this. But in case, please check the following link and you will see UK based news paper reported that she is a daughter of Alamoudi
Its shame that a billioner who was loved by the peopel of Ethiopia once is now 100% TPLF.What ever happens we all have to stand with E:R.This is to make sure that ethiopians would never write the truth about him and the terrorist organzation that he helps (TPLF).He has to learn some thing about peopel with out food and dictatorship.If any body who follow what is going on in TUNISIA now he or she will know what is going to happen to these murderer weyanes and there supporters.Long live freedom and Ethiopiiawinet.Death to TPLF and there hodam akatariwoch.