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Invitation to worldwide volunteers conference – Sunday

The 5th Anniversary of Ethiopian Election Massacre Remembrance task force invites patriotic Ethiopians around the world to participate in a worldwide volunteers conference that will be held on Sunday, Oct. 24, at 4:00 PM Washington DC time.

The conference will 1) update participants on the planned worldwide events, and 2) receive feedback and suggestions.

As we approach the Month of November, the Global Task Force calls on all Ethiopia Democratic forces — political, civic, human rights, media groups, and others concerned groups — in each city and locality throughout US, Europe, Africa, Oceania, and others to come and work together in remembering the martyrs of 2005 election and the thousands of Ethiopians who perished in the hands of Meles Zenawi regime while struggling for freedom, justice, and democracy to prevail in Ethiopia.

To participate in Sunday’s teleconference please register by sending email with full name and phone number to or call 202 656 5117.

For further info:

2 thoughts on “Invitation to worldwide volunteers conference – Sunday

  1. Er and Elias,

    For the first time in Ethiopia’s diaspora and blogs, you are transforming into wisdom! This is the type of movement that needs to be done rather than keep posting news all the time and showing emotions. Other blogs don’t mobilize people but post news. I think you are becoming humanitarian blog that you are evolving into transformation as well as transforming Ethiopians. Well done!

  2. It would be wise to recruit volunteers at their city of residence as most volunteers with ample time in thier hand donot have enough finances to travel . As most people with enough finances to book a flight without budgeting it in advance are tied up with too many responsibilities I doubt they will devote ample time to the cause as those people without ample finances but enough time to dedicate on their hand. One solution would be interested volunteers to raise funds within their local communities. I am sure fortunate Ethiopians will be more than happy to pick up the tab for the cost needed for transportaton .

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