TAIZ, YEMEN — Yemeni authorities in Taiz province have handed over 150 Ethiopian immigrants to Passport and Immigration Authority in Sana’a who were detained for entering into Yemen illegally.
The Immigration and Passport Authority said they will deport the Ethiopians who were handed over by Taiz authorities to implement the orders of the Ministry of Interior.
In related news, security authorities have arrested 19 Ethiopians, 15 of them in Salah districe of Taiz province and others aged between 17-20 years old in Saada province.
10 thoughts on “Yemen deports 150 Ethiopian immigrants”
This is not the first time Every time this happen. bogus wayane govt do nothing for the dignity of our people and for our country.guys we are the the one living here in us do some thing preasure the yemen govt for our people this is series it is not indivedual problem these our problem. Do not expect wayane’s reepresntative in yemen do for something or all wayane. Imegration now and then show that in Ethiopia there are so many problem in polotical social these thing vivid how it is difficult to live with wayane. in other word there is no good government in ethiopia.
Bete, please goback school to improve you English and come back when you think you can write better than the one above or write it in Amharic in latin alphabet.
Gemechu, what is your posision on this subject??? Bete expressed & reflacted the realty about Tplf´s Ethiopia. Instead of teasing his english, you better come with some senseful ideas. Your critic is unfair & wrong
We saw your English language illiteracy too obo gemechu. The problem with a people like you are trying to point a finger and jump to criticize while you are doing even more errors. Sometimes I am wandering why people are trying to be clever at the expense of others while they are not even qualified to be a dumb. See the content of the message and try to understand what the guy is saying his english proficiency is not for you to judge.
Gemechu, when you say ” Bete, please goback school to improve you English….” is equally incorrect. I am afriad you may have to go to school too in order to write a better english to avoid your 711 or taxi driver type english.
Gemechu> above.
Why would you want to discourage people from expressing their views? Do you know, with certainty, that the com mentor – Bete- speaks Amharic? Or are you not happy with his views? Just say it.
One more point: your English is not that good either. See what you wrote – ‘please go back school…”. You too need to go back to school if you want to improve your language skill but this should not deter you from expressing your opinions. We understand what you are trying to say.
You are no Fuuking “Gemechu”. You are a Weyane dressed up to be like your average Ethiopian. You are rude and stupid to discourage Bete from writing in any way she wants. Your English is not exactly good either you idiot Weyane kiss A!
This is not an essay contest the criminal woyanes trying to make it out to be, using Oromo names. Anyhow, we know who the insensitive woyanes are no matter how these woyanes try to change their identity.
It is obvious, that the ruthless Woyane government is using the Ethiopian Tax Payers money to bribe other countries’ foreign ministers to kick out Ethiopians out of their countries. Kenya, Yemen and Uganda have done the same unspeakable act on desperate Ethiopians. We will never forget.
ገመቹ እንደዉ በአማርኛ ከገባህ ብየ ነዉ የራህን ድክመት ሳታዉቅ ሰዉ ለማረም መቸኮልህ ደደብነትህን ያሳያል ። የድርጅታቹ ታሪክ ልንገርህ ወያኔ አአ በገባ ሁለት ወር ገደማ ሰማዩ በሄሊኮብተሮች የተለየያዩ የውጊያና የመንገደኛ አዉረፕላኖች ይረበሻል ታድያ እኛ ምን እንል ነበር መሰለህ ደርግ ለወያኔ እያስተማረእዉ ንዉ ምክንያቱም አዉረፕላኖቹ ብያንስ በሳምንት አንድ እየትከሰከሱ አለቁ እኔ ረሴ ያለማጋነን 25 መዉደቃቸውን አውቃለሁ ግመሹ ዱከም ጎንደር ደብረዘይት በየቦታዉ ምክንያቱም ተማሪዎቹ 6ኛ ክፍልን ያላጠናቀቁ መሰሎችህ አስታወስከኝ
in addition in only one line you wrote this much mistakes are un acceptable “goback school,the one above”
at the end language is means of communication
u guys r way far from the situation in Ethiopia. Some of u fuss on the english, some on the politics that u don’t understand. Let me remind u of something which all of u know in ur heart. Being a diaspora doesn’t make u a politician. So pls stop giving some nonsense comments & get bk to ur washing the dishes or the parking job where u are more useful for our country/sending some dollars/.
9 ቁጥር ገመቹ ስም ቀይረህ ነው ውይስ ሁለት ወንድማማቾች ናቹ የምሆነ ይህ መልስ ከ የመን ስለተባረሩት ሰዎች እናዝናል ቢሆንም መረገምና ምርቃን ነው እርግማኑ መባረራቸው ሲሆን ምርቃኑ ደግሞ የትጥቅ ትግሉን ይቀላቀላልሉ ፥1- ስለ ኢትዮጰ ተጨባጭ ሁኔታ ላልከው ባጭሩ -ችግራችን ወያኔ ሲሆን- መፍትሄው የትጥቅ ትግል ነው። ለዚህም ኩራ ወያኔ ባጭር ጊዜ ይንኮታኮታል ዕድሜ ለ አርበኞች ግንባር ፥ት ህ ዴ ን ፥ኢ ህ ፍ እ ግ ፥ የአ ህ ዴ ን ፥ኦ ነ ግ ፥ኦ ብ ነ ግ ።2-ሁሉም ኢትዮጰያዊ ላገሩ ፖለቲከኛ ነው ያገሩ ጉዳይ ይከነክነዋል ሥለ ሳህን አጠባ ወይም ጋራጅ ስላልከውም ሥራ ክብር ነው የሚለውን የታምራት ሞላ ሙዚቃ አዳምጥ ። 3-ዛሬ በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ሰዎች ቅሌን ጨርቄን ሳይሉ ሂወታቸውን ለመስጠት የትጥቅትግሉን በሚቀላቀሉበት ወቅት ለዳቦ ቅድሚያ የሚሰጥበት ወቅት አይመስለኝም ይልቅኑም የትጥቅ ትግሉን መደጎም ። 4- ለወያኔ ባዕድ መጥቶ ቢወረውም እሰዬው ድል ለሠፊው የኢትዮጰያ ሕዝብ