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This is what African “leaders” do to their people (video)

Some readers were upset with me for calling African leaders “thieves and murderers” last week as they met in Addis Ababa for African Union meeting. Look at the video below and you will arrive at the same conclusion that these so-called leaders are nothing more than cold-blooded murderers. They do not even deserve to be called human beings. No wonder they elected Meles Zenawi, another genocidal murderer, as their representative. (WARNING: Graphic Content. Not suitable for some people and children.) – Elias Kifle

63 thoughts on “This is what African “leaders” do to their people (video)

  1. Dear Elias,

    No one should contest your description of the dictators. What you called them is just understatement.

    This video brings what usually happens in the dark to a light. The footage sneaked away accidentally. All we know this is a fact of everyday life in Africa in general and in Ethiopia in particular. This is what all African dictators doing as their daily routine. Thousands of Ethiopians have been such victims of woyanie in the past two decades. The only difference in Ethiopia is that the murderers, the Agazi, are camera proof. Each brutal executions are conducted off the camera lenses.

    Death for the Agazi and its comander, Meles. Death to other African dictators too. Freedom to the downtrodden.

    We shall win!!!!!!!


    This really is a joke to the western people (white people). are we really going to be mad if they called us ” Africans are savage” by just looking at the video. African fat corrupt leaders are making us look like savages. If I wasn’t a black person I would think all Africans are savage’s too, you can’t kill a human being in bright day light in the 21 century without due process. What is it going to say this time the good old fat corrupt leaders club called OAU? Hopefully they are not going to keep quiet like that of Addis Ababa massacre, but if they didn’t say anything I wouldn’t be surprised either.

  3. This is very chilling. very sad. innocent and crippled helpless people getting murdered in cold blood execution. Of course where is the Union of African baboons when this takes place? they are busy amassing millions they get in the name of the poor. Meles is one such criminal. that’s why we must wrestle down this dictatorship and affect change for the common good of the repressed mass… by hook or crook!

  4. Guess what I said as soon as I saw this video. “God destroy that nation today.” At first I failed to believe its reality. But when I saw the bull military leaders kill their own people in broad day light in front of women and children what a cursed land is this. I agree with you Elias Africa is full murderers. But where is the voice of Obama now? Where is the so called security council? Where is the state department? Where is Ban ki mun? and where is Suzan Rice? Does that mean they agree with what happened? In fact they do because they approve Meles’s killing in 2005 and the destruction of somalia and its people in 2006. This is a piece of cake to them. Who knows may be they are enjoying the killing within their screens. O! God did you let us in the hands of murderers just like that? sooner or later killing human beings will be as normal as killing fly…

  5. I am sorry to say this but savagery is becoming synonym with Africa, we as Ethiopians used to be very different and civilized from the rest of the continent but unfortunately, our last two governments have officially inducted us in the “pack”. Derg introduced us to it and Woyanne perfected it. It wasn’t a distant memory when our own brothers and sisters were executed like this on broad-daylight during the Derg regime and the woyanne who first claimed to have fought to end the atrocity turned out to be a smarter and sleeker evil. I sincerely wish this world comes to an end. This video happens to be the second video that made me hate this non-sense world.

  6. I don’t think they say anything. This happened last year and only now people are getting to know about it. It’s so wired how they allow the cameraman to take this video… weye emama africa. This is so law class… I can’t believe this happen in the 21 century.

  7. how can a human being do this to a fellow citizen. This is a low, low moral degradation for Africa in general and Nigeria in particular. The Nigerian government should bring these murders to trial. This is clearly murder of the first order. Shame and Very repulsive.

  8. Countries like Nigeria, Kenya and Ethiopia are the ones that are promoted by America as an example of the so called Democratic countries which have western style elections. Reality is showing the real images of the leaders of this countries. But the US is in their side and this criminals are the puppets of the west. That is why we are witnessing a media black out to such atrocities. Similar to the Media black out of the 2005 Massacre in Addis Ababa by agazi. May God help the people of Africa!

  9. If you are the western stooge like Wayne, though conditional until your usefulness is no longer needed, you are licensed to kill with no question ask. Some of us have this misplaced thought as if the west have a soft heart to African people? Most of the African leaders are there in power to maintain the whites domination of Africa first and for most and in a process to amass millions and billions of money and stashed of course back in Swiss banks. As someone in here stated this cold blooded execution video was taken place awhile ago. However one wonder where have been those western media and their human rights watch all this time then? Just like wayane Ethiopia, the west’s cover up policy “hear no evil, see no evil” that we come to know, just like the massacre of Ethiopian civilians in 2005 by Agazi Wayane, must be the reason why the video took too long to surface? And it surfaced only because of Aljezira. The bottom line is, Wayane is doing the same thing every day in Ethiopia. The question we need to ask ourselves is what am I doing or contributing to end the misery that’s going on in our country? Have you really ask that question to yourself before?

  10. Is this not what Mengistu and Co were doing in the 70s and Weyane is doing still now? Have you forgoten what the Agazis were doing to the people in addis in 1995? And they are still doing it! The only difference is Nigerians are fat and the tigre are thin. This is the only difference I see here.


  11. I wonder how the US government reacts to this ??? It is gut wrenching at the same time not surprising to take this place in the Continent of Africa were some leraders of nations are no less than street thugs and common criminals. Kudos to you Mr. Elias Kifle …the world, in particular Africa needs people like you who use their brains ans skills to a good use by exposing countries or leaders of their cruel action against humanity . Very troubling image but it had to be done.

  12. The west needs African resource not African people. Peace and tranquility entails fair access to resource. Disarray, crises, and dictatorship are doors of corruption for an easy access to African resource. It is in a west’s self-interest to support African Dictators. Scramble for Africa changed name but it has not ceased. Slavery changed name but it has not ceased. I pray America, Europe and good people everywhere could stop financing dictatorship in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Sudan, and other Africa. As good people stay quit the evil prevails.

  13. Elias, I don’t believe this… NO word to explain this kind of barbaric crime against their own people. Does these “Generals” have any clue what they are doing? No one said anything? (I didn’t mean African leaders) The whole world silenced? I am crying Elias!

  14. Elias
    I always commend your bravery, courage and devotion in fighting and tirelessly working for the truth to come out what is happening all over Africa. This video is a prime example of how savage and callous the African Authorities are regardless of which country they belong. Looking at helpless and disable individual shot deadin broad day light by fellow country men is the most disgusting experience I ever witness through out my adult life. Where is GOD ???????? I just witnessed the unthinkable in a nutshell.
    Thanks Elias though the video left me in bad shape buddy

  15. I have never seen this kind of stupidty,please if there is any chance you can you forward this for Weastern Government to show them the life we live with african dictators!

  16. What can i say? To hell with Africa? No, Africa don´t deserve the hell. All i can say is to hell with the leaders of Africa. Those leaders are simply to name and the whole world knows them but as long as they do what usa want, they´ll be treated as kings in western nation. Call me what do you want but there is only one leader in to honor in Africa. I think, you know who i mean. And Because You Know Who I Mean, Secretly You Honor Him Too:-)

  17. That is every minute & day work of the criminal leaders of Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda.
    This reality is very small fraction of the crime going on in Africa every time.
    I do remember the fascist leader of Uganda Massacring ( Killing ) innocent people in northern Uganda, the criminal leaders of Kenya in Nairobi and the criminal leaders of Ethiopia killing the Ethiopian and Somali people every minute.
    We need to tackle & expose this criminal leaders together.
    East Africans specially Ethiopians,Kenyans & Ugandans need to come together ask to stop westerners to help the criminals.
    Thank you Elias.

  18. I don’t think this can happen in Ethiopia, the people are so civilized. Wait a minute, how about those who died in 2005 election? Sorry, I should think of the regime not the ordinary people. This can happen in Ethiopia too.

  19. Well, let me put it this way:
    After seeing the footage, I was revolted to my stomach . Could anyone tell me why Africa doesn’t need to be depopulated? Can anybody contest the idea that we Africans are subhumans? In our own country from Mengistu regime to the current one we have been targeting children, civilians and the innocent just as shown in the video.

    I am sorry I watched it! I will probably never be the same again.

  20. Can you imagine , if this happened in Eritrea, Iran, Cuba , Venezuela, Russia, or China? The whole media CNN, BBC, Reuters and all other western media would have been shown it every half hour for simple reason these countries haven’t given license to kill from the so called big nations. I remembered when the Iranian shot and killed the innocent girl in the middle of Tehran. We all peace loving people were angry about the barbarism of the regime. However the Americans and some western media showed the news by calling her name repeatedly and threatening Iran with sanction. My fellow readers where were all media, the Obamas, the UN when the barbaric Nigerian leaders killed their people indeterminately?

  21. It is sad to say but barbarity like this is an everyday phenomena in many parts of the world and Africa in particular. Unfortunately most of killings of civilians goes on in countries governed by traitors to their own people but fully supported and funded by foreign entities. It is even saddening to see these traitors to their people are “democratically” elected leaders to serve foreign interests.

    The Eritrean people suffered this kind of barbarity in broad day light for over 30 years, entire villages burned to the ground with women, children and elderly inside their homes. In 1988 Derg’s soldiers razed the village of She’ib to the ground with their tanks and run over and burned over 400 of its residents after they were defeated in the battlefield in Afabet.

    Even inside Ethiopia civilian massacres were going on during the Derg regime and now during the tribal Woyanne regime. These traitors and western boot lickers are paid by their masters to massacre their people if they dared to protest and stand up for their rights.

    The western media will not show you these atrocities because it is not in their interests. Anyone who thinks that western regimes care about Africans well being and human rights is either extremely naive or a western boot licker. If atrocities like what we have seen in this video don’t disgust you and drive you to stand up for Africans you might as well call yourself a walking dead with no moral values whatsoever.

  22. I am really very saddened by what I saw happened in Nigeria.

    Elias, would you please forward this video and news to the White House and the State Department so that they understand firsthand what the situations are in Nigeria, Ethiopia, and other African countries?

    This video needs to be disseminated to all members of Congress both in the House and the Senate.


  23. I know many of my people are being killed like this; this is the first event of human killing I ever saw in my life. It is shafefull. How come this is done to captives who is aleady under control?

  24. This is what Meles did to Addis protesters for throwing rocks, and if you must know Meles is committing much worse massacre (GENOCIDE) against Ethio-Somalis, and no one talks about it. A while ago one Somaliman was stoned to death according to his religious judicial philosophy and the whole Western media jumped on it, even though the vicitim admitted his guilt and accepted the religious verdict, and did his prayer at the end.

    But this happens in a braod day light in Nigeria, all of a sudden there is no Western media that picked up on it. In fact, last year it was reported by BBC & CNN as the Islamic militants causing the massacre, the fact is the military and police did what you all witnessed in this clip. This is only the tip of the iceberg, the clip only showed only one platoon doing its job, if you see the whole massacre in a video you will never ever go back to Africa.

  25. In Nigeria, those people may have created some crime against their country. In Ethiopia, if a person commits a crime on his country, he will be rewarded not persecuted or excuted on the street. Imagine how Asefa Maru was shot on the street. Ato Asefa didn’t commit crime against his country. He served for his country and stood for Truth. The actual TPLF man who shot Ato Asefa commited a crime against a civilian dessident and that thug is rewarded a scholarship by the tplf mafia group to study the Heart of UK. I am not lying, I am telling you the truth. Many people were killed by the tplf mafia in hidden prisons. The difference between the video clip hear and the tplf is that tplf kills often times secretly and sometimes on the street.

    May God rest their soul in Peace!

  26. Dear All,

    I don’t know why we blame Westerners when our own people are doing this heinous crimes even with the blessing of the West. The African leaders could refuse and sacrifice themselves like Patris Lumumba types and continue the struggle until Africa is liberated completely. The only we way we could lose by continuing to resist is that when Westerners again institutionalize colonialism in the 21st century. It is our fault when we allow dictators to take over, it is our fault not to unite, it is our fault for dividing, it is our fault resneting one another. The West is playing only on our differences. If we don’t have respect for our people, let us not expect outsiders to respect us. Ethiopia showed respect for her people during the colonization that is the time the West had respect for Ethiopia. So, restore our only monarchy but this time with democracy, equality and different policies. I do believe Ethiopia was respected during the Monarchy, there are many countries with Monarchy today!

    Long live Ethiopia

  27. I think that’s why on Christmas eve the bomber who try to explode US airliner from Nigeria it’s backlash against US policies. The more they support dictator government the more they get backlash or anti-US people on the rise.

  28. Eyob,

    Why are you infuriated at Elias?
    Are you one of the mercenaries of Meles?
    Is Elias exposing you naked?

    Yes, genocidal killers like you and your boss Meles, would face the wrath of the people, very soon. The Ethiopian people and international court of justice is keeping track of your brutal, barbaric, killings.

  29. eyob,

    I know why you are insulting and wishing Elias death, if somebody captured similar video of agazi woyane killings in Ethiopia, Elias would broadcasted it live without any fear and hesitation unlike other so called opposition websites. That is what scared you to death my TPLF Rat. I understand your fear and it is coming to you soon.

  30. Thank you ER to disclose this brutal episode to the rest of the world. this was what exactly happened in Ethiopia during last election.
    Hailu Showel, the coward, with all his disgraceful fear sold Ethiopian young people for his ego and wealth.

    They were murdered like in the video we see above.

    Thank you Er.

  31. Hello brothers and sisters,
    Imagine those brutally shot brothers are your brothers or some one you love. As parents think of those brothers as your sons. What comes to your heart.

    These people could commit one of the worset crimes on earth ( hostis humani generis). Lets say they burn the whole Nigeria or rendomly shot people in the street. Regardless of the magnitude of their crime, there should be legal procedure and it should be the done after their case is seen by legitimate body of law ( court). The law may punish them with capital punishment, life time, free or what ever. All Africa lacks is RULE OF LAW.

    May their soul rest in peace.

  32. cruelty? beyond!. savagery? surpassed it! barbaric? out done it!.
    It is a chilling reality of human nature and our capacity to do such a thing.

    It happened in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi, Kosovo, Germany, Sudan… etc, at various times and still happens at various places.

    the underlying question is : “what can I do about it? what is my ‘minute’ role to rid of this occurrence?”
    Martin Luther Kind thought us : “Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere” …
    wherever we see injustice, we should ALWAYS align ourselves with a peaceful resistance. an-eye-for-an-eye will leave the entire world blind. especially for us Ethiopian … a great lesson to learn. bloodshed begets bloodshed!

    Mother Teresa was once quoted:

    “I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there. ”

    God give us a humble hurt!

  33. very sad indeed. The cold blooded murder of helpless people some with crutches! It’s beyond revolting very sick. Folks this is not going to stop unless Africans unite and fight their corrupt ‘leaders’.

  34. Eritreawi,
    This shouldn’t come as a surprise as these kind of heinious crimes are perpetrated all the time all over the continent that we are all ashamed of.
    The only difference is that the Nigerians committed it in a broad day light in front of a camera.
    ”NO JUSTIFICATION” what so ever to take human life without a due process of the law. But this is whats happening with or without a camera.Although there is no justification for such a crime but there are always events that lead to this kind of grusome scene (in this case
    to revenge the death of thier police partners which is equally unjustified).
    What about our disabled veterans who were massacred in 1994 for simply demanding a kitchen-table issues in a broad day light on thier way to talk to the president? Isn’t it double standard?

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