Criminal Colonialism
Ethiopia 1935-1941: Voyage to the shadowy heart of Italy
“Looking back on the war in Ethiopia today means having to deal with the way we are today: with the myth that is the popular saying, “the Italians are good”, always useful whenever there is an aggressive foreign war; with those prejudices that exist against anyone different which are also a product of a colonial past that has never been properly criticised; with the arrogant return of patriarchal ideas and the separation of the roles of the sexes. But if we deal with this, we must deal with it fully, seeking to understand it from the point of view of those Ethiopians, both men and women, who opposed the barbarity that called itself civility.”
* Mulu Ayele (Ethiopian community): Ethiopian women in the resistance to the Fascist colonialism;
* Loredana Baglio (Corrispondenze metropolitane): Colonialism and women;
* Nancy Aluigi Nannini (anthropologist): The colonial origin of prejudices.
Photographic exhibition (photos by A. Imperiali)
Portions of the films “Fascist legacy” and “Tempo di uccidere” will be shown.
DATE: Friday 24 April 2009 – at 5.00pm
PLACE: The Università La Sapienza, Faculty of Physics (old building), Rome
Organized by:
Laboratorio Sociale “La Talpa”
Corrispondenze Metropolitane
Comunità etiopica in Italia
Exodus (Ethiopian Cultural Service)
Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
Unione Sindacale Italiana
3 thoughts on “Public meeting in Rome on Italy's invasion of Ethiopia”
It is great to see such an article about the invasion of Ethiopia by facist Italy.
I lost six of my grand fathers, my father`s father with his 5 brothers the 7th survived.
I wish you all Good luck,
er, thanks
My two grand fathers both from my mum n dad side were killed during the war. becouse of that my mum was an only chiled who was raised by her grand mum, without ever knowing her dad, he was only 22years old.
my dad was left to take on his fathers responsibility to look after his young brothers n sisters at the age of 13 years old, as a resoult he never went back to finishe high school.
may God bless ethiopian’s to live in peace and harmony.
Ethiopia shall always remain a friend to her friends, but a warrior to aggressive fascists like Mossolili.
Remember General Abdissa Aga??? Any one who studied Ethiopian history will agree that this general was an Ethiopian hero who fought for his country.
This hero was an Oromo, but he sacrificed a lot for his country, but now a days Ethiopia is divided along tribal lines – what a joke.