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Kinijit leaders' parliamentary seats expired, Meles told the press

Meles Zenawi said at a press conference today that the released leaders of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (Kinijit) cannot take their seats in parliament. He said that their seats have expired and that they can participate in the next election. Watch the press conference:


8 thoughts on “Kinijit leaders' parliamentary seats expired, Meles told the press

  1. Lets hope that since the decision to revoke the CUD seats in Parliament, Meles will invite the CUD Leaders in dialogue in order for them to take part as political ambassadors to cooperate in some way, either covertly (beyond the prying lens of the International media) or overtly (publicly)in the Governing process as it is taking place.

  2. Dear ER, NOW we have a good point to call for earth moving demonstration against meles.

    Since all the cud leaders are released we will not have any reason to demonstrat against meles…as it stand now… but then if the freed leaders commited two mistake frist they signed and ge themselve freed and end the fight aginst meles with Meles at the TOP!

    NOW the second mistake is they want to join the parlama that they refused to join in the first place! if they join the parlama then we have nothing aginst Meles we can’t say he is aginst democry while every opp. joining the parlama and no one is in jail… then our fight will end as soon as they join the parlama

    therefore we should call earth moving demostration before the end of this week before meles out smart us and allow them to join the parlama… then what kind of reasoning we can tell those white people? that we paid million of dollars for loybing?

    I don’t know what we can do after this Meles record human right abused become clear as water… hence we the opp. who are living in us and DC become jobless once more… I am hopping ER will find some thing for us before the end of this week… otherwise it would be to late

  3. Can you imagine what will happend if Meles allowed the cud leaders to join parlama?

    Then all opp. party who are based in DC business will be shut down because they can no longer call for earth moving demostration and collect money in the name of jailed leaders and pocket the money…

    Second what kind of reason they can tell to their million dollars paid lobyist if all joined the parlamant?

    Third why did the cud leaders join the palama now if they say they don’t want to join in the first place why chanage of heart now?

  4. After all they are not interested or are not willing to join Parliament.

    Meles wants to say that he himself banned them from entering the parliament so that he doesnot get embarassed again incase they refuse to take thier seats(definately so).

    Meles is in a phsychological warfare. But at the end he will lose everything and will be gone for ever.

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