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Yemen to deport 2,000 Ethiopians

SANA’A, Yemen (Saba) – Yemen is about to deport 2,000 Ethiopians who have been charged with illegally entering the country.

A well-informed Saba News Agency source has pointed out that the deportation process comes under the agreement signed between Yemen and Ethiopian regimes and these Ethiopians would be transported by air to their country.

According to the UN statistics, Ethiopians formed the majority of those Africans who moved to Yemen in 2009.

EDITOR’S NOTE: These poor Ethiopians, mostly women and children, had risked death for freedom and hope of better life in fleeing from Ethiopia, a country that is made a hell on earth for them by the U.S.-backed Woyanne tribal junta. It’s sad that Yemen is throwing them back in to the hands of Woyanne parasites.

16 thoughts on “Yemen to deport 2,000 Ethiopians

  1. The Yemenites are creating a new adversary by throwing out 2,000 Ethiopian Christians and sending them to their death chambers as if they were terrorists or criminals like some of the Yemenites. The relatives and friends of these unfortunate Ethiopians will never forget what the Yemeni Islamic government has done to our Ethiopian brothers and sisters in Yemen; we will retaliate when the propitious time comes; I have always said that Ethiopian Christians have no place in the Arab-Muslim world, so let us get rid of all the Yemenite Arab Muslims from our country and give their properties to the 2,000 Ethiopian Christians who are expelled unjustly from the Arab-Muslim country – Yemen, one of the old provinces of the Ethiopian Christian Kingdom.

    What these 2,000 Ethiopians expect upon their arrivals at the Ethiopian air port is not a “welcome home friendly greeting.” They will probably receive detention in an unknown location for a number of days, be interrogated by Meles’ death squad one by one on ethnic lines. If some of them are from Tegarues, they will be released immediately; if they are from Amhara or Oromo tribes (help me God not to be one of them!), they will end up in Qaliti Jail for the rest of their lives. This will not happen until they are beaten up, confessed to something they have never done, and then they will be forced to sign a document that they would vote for Meles Seitanawi during this coming Election, 2010. After the election is over, and if Meles (God forbid) wins, they will be sent back to Qaliti Jail.

  2. We Ethiopians became orphans and abandoned on the planet earth because of Sick and cruel leaders.May God hear our cries everywhere.

    We hope and keep on dreaming;Ethiopia shall rise again!!Long Live for the beloved and humble peoples of Ethiopia.

    “Ethiopia Biresash Kegnie Tirsagn;Balastawisish Milasie Ketinagayie Yitabek”

  3. Daughters of Yemenite Muslims, destined to annihilation, “blessed is the one who grabs your little children and smashes them against a rock” (Psalm 137:9) for what you have done to the 2,000 Ethiopian Christians who came to your country for protection from the Ethiopian Adolf Hitler – Meles Seitanawi (Zenawi).

  4. Where is the reaction from the so called UNHCR or human rights advocates; the western nations who boast they are champions of democracy and the rule of law? It is disheartening to witness the abuse of these proud people of Ethiopia by a western puppet in broad day light. The Ethiopian will never forget these Western nations led by the USA allow their servant weyane torment our people for quite so long. It wasn’t that long ago when Black Americans were treated like second class citizens even long after the horrific slavery was abolished. What makes us think now these same westerners care for the oppressed people of Africa and around the world? We have to fight our way out. No one is going to help us. What we lack is unity, because without unity there is no strength, and without strength you can’t defeat your enemy.

  5. Sorry Elias kifle, i do respect you but why don’t u block comments like #1, specially that person.

    Ethiopians comprises mixes of muslims and christians and with no doubt those to be deported will be mixes of both religion, it is mentioned as ethiopians not christians or muslims. So what does religion get to do with that report.

    Again take care of such comments, specially that hate mogger person

  6. Assta B. Gettu;
    Why are you always make the issue a christian issue…where did your facts come from? people are tired of your bias…Stop twisting the facts…Doma ras like you are the ones that are poisoning the public.

  7. Tatek,

    Don’t be sorry because I stand for Christian Ethiopians but not for Arab Muslims in Ethiopia. “So then,” says the Apostle Paul, “as we have opportunity, let us labor for the good of all, and especially toward those who are of the house of the faith.” (Galatians 6:10)

    It is indeed one of our Christian duties to wish good things to all men and women and especially to our own members of our faith, and because of these special gifts and unsparing hearts the Ethiopian Christians have had, the Arab Muslims in Ethiopia have been enjoying prosperous lives for two thousand years, but now they are flexing their muscles over the indigenous Ethiopian Christians by burning their Churches and destroying their properties; however, the patience of the Ethiopian Christians may not last long any more.


    The Somalis are, like you, Muslims, and they are welcomed in Yemen, but the good Ethiopian Christians are to be deported to their own country every time they arrive in Yemen.

    Telling the sufferings of my Ethiopian Christians in the Hands of the Yemenite Arab Muslims is not hate-mongering; it is rather exposing the inhumanity, animosity, and brutality of the Sana government.


    It is the Christians, most of the time, who are living in fear in their own country because of some of the sissy Arab-Muslim Jihadists and terrorists.

    Just few days ago, a-23-year old Nigerian Muslim was charged for attempting to destroy the lives of 279 air passengers.

    In this case, it is people like you who are poisoning the air, the ground, the sea, the homes, the hotel, the motel, the schools, the bridges, the Churches, and creating chaos among the civilized nations. When are you going to join the community of the well-advanced Christian world and get out of your dark age?

    By terrorizing the Christian world, you think you can convert the non-Muslim world to Islam, a religion imposed upon people by intimidation, force, brutality and by promising a false paradise.

    To use one of your favorite words, who is the “doma ras,” the person who comments and writes on the web, or a person who terrorizes and destroys the lives of innocent people and blows himself up? Let me leave the final verdict to the millions of the Ethiopian Review readers.

  8. Assta B. Gettu;

    You can criticize the government of Yemen without condemning all Arabs and Muslims. Only a sick person uses the bible to call for the murder of children. You must be from a diffrent planet, otherwise you should know there is such a thing as Geneva convention on this planet. Shame on you. You are an idiotic fascist.

  9. Abba Dima,

    Who are you to tell me whom to criticize and whom to praise on this web, and who gave you the permission that I should condemn Ali Abdullah Saleh, the Yemenite President, but not condemn the Arab Muslims from whom most of the Jihadists and terrorists emanate to destroy the lives of many innocent people? You may have a reason why you are defending the Arab Muslims, and I want to know why.

    Any person, sick or sound, can use the Bible, but not the Quran that allows its faithful to destroy the Christians; to allow a person to read Quran is like giving a loaded gun to a small child to play with it. By the way, you should capitalize the word Bible; however, you may not capitalize Quran or Allah, and I have no objection to writing Quran or Allah in a lower case.

    What does the Geneva Convention has to do with me; the Geneva Convention is for those who commit genocide on the air and on the ground, and such people are the Islamic Jihadists and terrorists. You are indeed a disgraceful person who defends the Islamic cause – to terrorize and destroy the lives of non Arab Muslims.

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