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Honorable farmer rests in peace

With a dimension of time things come to pass; with a dimension of time our dreams come true; with a dimension of time man is born, grow and ultimately die. As Einstein expresses it wittingly, we mortals achieve immortality through the permanent things we create in common. Encouraged by this wisdom, generation moves forward despite death is striking every family member without notice. At the dawning of this Millennium and New Year I lost my father, a determined farmer who sent all his children to school. While opened up the opportunity to me and I enjoyed the fruit of civilization throughout Africa, Europe and the United states, he died in the rural part of Ethiopia with no electricity, road or access to primary health care. He did not know the cyberspace and your website exists, but I feel his name deserves some space on your site to let social circles of friends know that an honorable Ethiopian farmer, who used to plough with oxen and feed the nation, rests in peace at the turn of the Millennium.

– Worku from Seattle

Ato Legesse Mulat
አቶ ለገሠ ሙላት (1922-2000)

ቋሚ እንዳይቸገር በወርሃ ክረምቱ
ደግ ሰው ነውና ሲፈጠር ከጥንቱ
ጉሙ ገለጥ ሲል ዝናቡ ሲያባራ
ዮሐንስ ተሾሞ ሲቃረብ ደመራ
መብረቅ ነጎድጓዱ ሰው እንዳይመታበት
የጎርፍ ውሃ ሙላት ለቅሶ እንዳይቆርጥበት
ቆፈንና ብርዱ ቀባሪ እንዳይጎዳ
ብዙ እንዳይቸገር የገብሬሉ አረዳ
በገበሬው መንደር ብዙ እንዳይታማ
እርሻ እንዳይተጓጎል ዘር እንዳይሻማ
የአለቃ ሙላት ልጅ በፅድቅ ህይወት ኖሮ
ዓለም በቃኝ ብሎ ከፈጣሪው መክሮ
መስከረም ሲጥባ ሞተ በቀጠሮ
የሚለው ዜና ዕረፍት ሲደርስ ባህር ማዶ
እኔ አላየሁትም እንደተራ መርዶ
አዝኛለሁ በጣም ይከፋኛል ገና
ወንድምም አባትም አጥቻለሁና::

12 thoughts on “Honorable farmer rests in peace

  1. Ato Worku I am so sorry about your loss and may your father rest in peace.For me your father’s life represent most Ethipian parents who are selfless and caring to their families. This is how we should comemmorate our parents:doing what we can to bring justice and democracy so that they will live a better life.

  2. Ato worku, my deepest condolence for the loss of your beloved honourable father. It touched my heart and reminded me my past. May God give you the strength and comfort and also bless your father’s soul.

  3. Mr. Worku my condolences go out to you and your family too. My God bless your father’s soul. My father lost his life for the unity of Ethiopia as a soldier without having a single day to rest. I was a young boy then, raised by my father. when he died, I felt like the entire universe came down on me and had no where to go. Now that your dad has met my dad in heaven, rest assured that they both talk about the most beautiful lady they both loved and left behind, Mother Ethiopia.

  4. ወንድሜ ወርቁ ሆይ: መቼም የደረሰብህ ሀዘን መሪር ነው::እግዚአብሄር ያጽናህ:: መልእክትህን ከተረዳሁት: በሳቸው ሞት የኢትዮጵያን ገበሬዎች ሞት ነው የተረዳሁት:: ምንም ሳናደርግላቸው:: ይቅርታ አድርግልኝና: ሰው ይሙት አይባልም እንጂ: የዚህችን አገር መከራ ቁጭ ብለው ከሚመለከቱ: የመረጡትና ኢትዮጵያ ተስፋ የጣልችበት ቅንጅት ሲከፋፈል እያዩ ከሚቃጠሉ: እግአብሄር እንኩዋን ገላገላቸው:: ነፍሳቸውን በአብርሃምና በይስሀቅ ጎን ያኑራት::

  5. Dear Mr. Worku,

    My heart felt condolences. The death of your father is very symbolic. He represents the millions who struggled all their lives to build this nation of ours in times of war and peace. I feet what you feel and will remember our father in my daily prayers.

    May the almighty give you all the comfort and bless the soul of Ababa Legesse.

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