By Addisu Abebe | VOA
The former Ethiopian Prime Minister, Tamrat Layne, denied involvement in mass killings more than 15 years ago in Dire Dawa, Bedenno, Arbagugu, Aris and other communities, during an exclusive interview with VOA Amharic’s Addisu Abebe. Major excerpts from the interview were aired on March 25 and 26, 2009.
Tamrat,served a 12-year sentence in Ethiopian prisons on charges of corruption. He has been in the United States for two months and attended a Pentecostal church in the Washington, D.C. area where he confessed his sins to God, he said. Tamrat joined the communist party at the age of 18, and is now a born-again Christian. He has also denies taking any money from the government.
Hear Addisu’s full interview with Tamrat below.[podcast][/podcast]