Once again, the Woyanne regime is trying to use the loyal opposition inside the country to deflect attention from its other problems. This week the Woyanne invading forces are withdrawing in defeat from Somalia. Woyanne death squads are engaged in wholesale massacre of Ogaden civilians to intimidate or prevent the ONLF fighters from attacking the retreating Woyanne troops. Arresting Birtukan and roughing up Prof. Mesfin Woldemariam, the weakest of all the so-called opposition figures inside Ethiopia, could be helping Woyanne’s goal of creating diversion, depending on how the media and the opposition parties react.
Today, as the withdrawal of troops is progressing in Somalia, every media is talking about Birtukan’s arrest. Woyanne cadres, who play the role of Birtukan’s ardent supporters, are working full time to fan the issue. But once again, Ethiopian Review is here to expose the game of shred Woyanne is playing with its willing accomplices like Birtukan.
Indeed, the whole apology controversy is a gimmick, and some are duped by it. What Birtukan has said in Sweden is so benign that it is laughable to arrest her over that. Other opposition leaders, particularly Hailu Shawel, has said much more stronger things about the apology on radio interviews. But Woyanne doesn’t want to make Hailu Shawel a hero by arresting him. Meles & gang prefer to deal with the weak and surrenderist Birtukan. So by attacking two of the weakest individuals in the UDJ party (Birtukan and Mesfin), Woyanne is also trying to build up their popularity.
Woyanne cannot continue to cheat and play with the opposition any more like a cat plays with a mouse that is under its control. That is what Birtukan is to Woyanne — a crippled mouse.
Only gullible individuals fall for Woyanne tactics any more. Ethiopians inside the country and around the world are looking up to leaders and political organizations that are determined to eliminate the Woyanne fascist tribal junta.