ENC will hold its 6th congress in Columbus, Ohio


THE ENC, Ethiopian National Congress, will hold its Sixth Congress, in Columbus Ohio, between October 24 and 26, 2008. The ENC plans to asses its strength and weaknesses, revise its constitution and elect a new executive committee.

Since our last congress, the political situation in our country has gone through a tremendous change. Because of the lack of united and viable political leadership and the fragmentation of civic organizations, our people’s struggle for justice and liberty has not produced desired change in the lives of our people and country. Our nation’s future is vulnerable today than any other time in its recent history. It is with this grim background that we hold our Sixth Congress. We believe a vibrant, dynamic civic organization can contribute immensely, to meet challenges of creating a democratic & united Ethiopia.

We call upon all our old and new members to come to this congress and be part of the effort. The task of creating a mature civic movement can only be accomplished by organizations and individuals who really understand national priorities. The effort to bring major civic organizations and individuals in a movement would also be discussed. We hope to have a productive and educational weekend and look forward to seeing you. We have made all necessary preparations to accommodate all our guests.

Your participation will be sincerely appreciated. For discount accommodation, question or suggestion on congress related events, please RSVP to the following e-mail address:

[email protected]