
Clarification from the EPPF leadership

The top leadership of Ethiopian People Patriotic Front (EPPF) has issued a statement regarding accusations that was posted on an anti-EPPF web site against Ato Sileshi Tilahun, head of EPPF International Committee’s organizational affairs.

The statement, which is signed by the EPPF chairman and posted on the official EPPF web site, clarifies that only the top leadership has the authority to issue statements about the organization and that internal disagreements, if they occur, are resolved based on the organization’s bylaws and rules.

The EPPF fighters and leaders in the field continue to express confidence in Ato Sileshi’s ability to perform his task of organizing EPPF support chapters around the world and appreciate his tireless work on behalf of the organization.

Click here to read the full text.

EPPF is making advances both inside the country and worldwide. For more information watch the following videos that were recently released by the EPPF Press Office.
Below is Part I (Watch Part 2, 3 and 4 here)