A document obtained by Ethiopian Review’s Intelligence Unit reveals that the U.S. Department of State has asked Congress to give $472 million in 2009 to Ethiopia’s brutal dictatorship that has just been kicked out of Somalia. The document states:
A major objective of U.S. assistance in Ethiopia, Africa’s second most populous country, is to help the Government of Ethiopia (GOE) to proceed with the difficult transition from a de facto one-party state to a representative multi-party democracy. In addition, U.S. assistance will continue to help the GOE to improve its ability to anticipate and respond to food emergencies, to bolster its economic growth, and to expand its basic health and education services to reduce poverty. Promoting regional stability and denying transnational terrorists a safe haven in the Horn of Africa are also key objectives.
In reality, the U.S.-backed Woyanne regime in Ethiopia is a terrorist regime that has in the past two years alone slaughtered tens of thousands of Ethiopian and Somali civilians. The U.S. State Department is sponsoring the worst terrorist in Africa, Meles Zenawi, to kill and mayhem more people. With the $472 million, the U.S. is fueling the Woyanne killing machine. Click here to read the document.