Interview with Abaynesh Asrat as episode 19 of the monthly podcast LIFE Voices. She was born in Ethiopia to a family that stressed four kinds of well-being: physical, emotional, spiritual and the well-being of one’s community. She brought these values with her when she left home to come to the United States for high school. The values nurtured by her family have never left her, and today inform the community work that has become the center of her life. In 2004, Abaynesh founded Nation-to-Nation Networking, Ltd (NNN), a non-profit organization that provides health, education and economic development programs for adolescent girls and their families in rural Ethiopia. I had to chance to interview Abaynesh in New York, where she revealed me her passion for Ethiopia and her relationship with spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy who met and lifted her in 2006. (Source: Vimeo)