
Ethiopians to boycott UDJ visit in Europe

Leaders of the Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) will travel to Europe starting Nov 7 next week. The delegation is headed by UDJ chairperson Wzt. Birtukan Mideksa. The countries they plan to visit include Germany, U.K., Sweden, Belgium and Holland.

After breaking all the promises Wzt. Birtukan and her comrades made — including sticking to the Kinijit 8-Point Proposal before any serious consideration about participating in future elections — Ethiopians in Europe are angry and plan to boycott any of the planned public meetings.

Today, Ethiopian Review spoke with some Ethiopian activists in London and Frankurt who used to be strong supporters of Wzt. Birtukan. They said that the current position Birtukan’s party took is a betrayal of those who gave up their lives to help bring about freedom and justice in Ethiopia.

Requests by Ethiopian Review to interview Wzt. Birtukan have been declined. But UDJ has no problem begging Woyanne to have access to the state-controlled media.

Currently, the only opposition party that is talking about participating in the 2010 elections is UDJ. It is also the only opposition party that has kept silent for so long about the continued atrocities by the regime of the Tigrean People Liberation Front (Woyanne) against the people of Ethiopia and Somalia, including the ongoing genocide that even some U.S. Congressmen are talking about and condemning.

UDJ thus demonstrated itself to be of no use to the people of Ethiopian. To the contrary, UDJ is currently aiding and abetting the Woyanne terrorist regime by speaking out against those Ethiopians who have raised arms to defend themselves, calling them ‘backwards,’ ‘primitives,’ and ‘chauvinists’ — the same language Woyanne uses against the opposition.

It is disheartening that Birtukan Mideksa and her colleagues have joined the camp of losers and traitors such as Beyene Petros, Ayele Chamiso, Lidetu Ayalew, Solomon Tekalign, and others who have betrayed their supporters and the people of Ethiopia for crumbs (frifari) that are being thrown at them by Woyannes at the urging of U.S. and U.K. diplomats. Without the intervention of the American embassy, these losers have no political life in Ethiopia. They are operating in Ethiopia only as long as Ambassador Yammamoto keeps giving assurances to Woyanne that they are no threats to the tribal junta.