
Plagiarism is not a big deal: TPLF official

What’s is wrong with stealing other people’s work and slapping your name on it?  Nothing, according to a TPLF official.  Ambassador Tesfaye Habisso was recently outed for expropriating the work of others.  The ambassador’s novel defense:   don’t make too much out of this piagiarism thing.

“Is plagiarism really such a big moral deal?” Ambassador Habisso asks in a shameless piece published in the TPLF-mouthpiece Tigraionline. The ambassador answers his own question. “I don’t think so.”

Self-admitted plagiarist Tesfaye Habisso

Self-admitted plagiarist Tesfaye Habisso


The good ambassador is not all too happy that journalist Abebe Gellaw outed him for fraudulently appropriating the work of a South African scholar, Dr. Colin Darch.  Conistantinos Berhe, another high-ranking TPLF operative, was exposed for buying fake degrees.  Berhe has used his MA and Ph.D. degrees purchased online to become a “professor” at the government-controlled Addis Ababa University.

Berhe-- TPLF-operative and Addis Ababa university professor who bought his degrees on the internet

Berhe– TPLF-operative and Addis Ababa University professor who bought his degrees on the internet

Abebe Gellaw also exposed Dr. Solomon Barnabas, head of the regime-affiliated Ethiopian lawyers association for having purchased masters and doctoral degrees from the same online institution as “Dr.” Berhe.  According to Ermias Legesse, former deputy minister of communications, many top ranking Ethiopian generals and regime officials had formal education that typically did not go beyond the fifth grade.  Many officials have gone on online shopping sprees, becoming instant holders of false academic credentials.  With more exposures expected to come, the shroud of academic fraud will continue to plague the ruling group.

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