
TPLF mass hysteria arrives in North America

This coming Saturday, supporters of the Woyanne junta in Toronto, Winnipeg, Canada and Houston, Texas are organizing a cry-fest for the late Ethiopian dictator Meles Zenawi who died over a month ago. This is a good opportunity for patriotic Ethiopians in these cities to show how much the deceased dictator is hated.

Toronto is on Sunday, September 2. See details below:

(We thank the reader who sent us this information. If you hear about any such activity in your area, please let us know.)



From Mengistu Beranu (biee60@hotmail.com)

Greetings all,

The voice of the voiceless – of the young, the woman, farmers and the 80 million people he led – the leader of Ethiopians in Ethiopia Melese Zenawi has passed. He led, he inspired, he was cheered, he was feared, he was hated, but where he executed his development plan- the universities, the hospitals, the infrastructures, the strategy to join the middle income group countries by 2025; the people always said…”We did it! When the development activities he launched continue and completed; the people will say “We did it ourselves!

Canadians of Ethiopian origin residing in The Greater Toronto Area are going to hold a memorial ceremony on September 2, 2012 Sheraton hotel, 123 Queen Street West at 2:00PM.