
Azeb Mesfin banned from leaving Ethiopia

Azeb MesfinThe Ethiopian Review Intelligence Unit has learned that Meles Zenaw’s daughter Semhal Meles, who was in Washington DC during the Summer, has gone back to Ethiopia yesterday. According to our source, many of Meles Zenawi’s close relatives and friends have been informed on Sunday afternoon that the dictator’s illness is terminal.

We also have been informed that Meles Zenawi’s deteriorating health could be as a result of poisoning, and not just cancer.

Meanwhile, Woyanne security chief Getachew Assefa has reportedly banned Meles Zenawi’s wife Azeb Mesfin — also known as mother of corruption — from leaving Ethiopia today. Azeb has amassed enormous wealth and political influence, which has garnered her a number of enemies. Her fate is very much intertwined with that of Meles.

Several family members of the Woyanne junta have been observed leaving Ethiopia en mass during the past few days fearing possible chaos that could result from the power struggle that could follow the dictator’s death.