The U.K. and Washington DC chapters of Ethiopian National Transitional Council (ENTC) Organizing Committee held town hall meetings Sunday in preparation for the Ethiopian convention that is planned to be held in Dallas, Texas, from July 1 – 3, 2012.
In Washington, 12 individuals have been elected to represent Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland. Similar public meetings are being held around the world to elect delegates. So far, it’s been confirmed that representatives from over 35 cities and countries — from as far away as South Africa and Sweden — will come to Dallas. By the time the convention starts, the number of cities represented is expected to reach 40.
For the U.K. chapter, Sunday’s public meeting in London was its first opportunity to discuss the purpose of establishing the transitional council in Dallas. Speakers at the London meeting included Ato Sileshi Tilahun, a member of the ENTC Organizing Committee, and Dr Ermias Alemu, chairman of the newly formed alliance named “Congress of Ethiopian People’s United Struggle,” which is composed of over 15 political and civic groups.
Dr Fisseha Eshete, head of the ENTC Organizing Committee, addressed both the London and Washington DC meetings via teleconference and in person.
Ethiopian Review Editor Elias Kifle and Ato Masresha Tilahun of Ethiopian Youth National Movement (EYNM) — both members of the ENTC Organizing Committee — also took turns to discuss preparations for the Dallas Convention and what it is intended to accomplish.
The participation of unusually larger number of young Ethiopians in the meetings in both cities was encouraging.
The convention to form transitional council is gathering momentum as hundreds of ordinary Ethiopians from around the world prepare to head to Dallas.
For further information
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UK Chapter:; Tel: 07958580065