
Arrest Meles Zenawi at the Reagan Building in DC – Friday 7 AM

The khat-addicted dictator Meles Zenawi will be attending the 3rd International Food Security Symposium at the Washington DC Ronald Regan building on May 18, 2012, on the invitation of President Obama.

This is a great opportunity for all Ethiopians residing in and around Washington DC to protest and make the world know about the destruction and atrocities his regime is committing against the people of Ethiopia.

Place and date of protest:

Friday, May 18 2012, at Ronald Regan Building, 14th St and Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC at 7 AM.

For more information call (571) 278-5346 or email sebeawinet@gmail.com

Addis Dimts Radio will have a special live broadcast Thursday starting at 7 PM EST on the protest against dictator Meles. Listen live by calling 712 432 3920 then pressing the conference id 854226#. Or at AddisDimts.com