
European meeting on Ethiopian transitional council – LIVE NOW

U.K., Germany and Sweden chapters of the Ethiopian National Transitional Council Organizing Committee will hold a joint electronic town hall meeting on Sunday, May 13, 2012, at 3 PM Washington DC time (8 PM London time, 9 PM Germany time).

All patriotic Ethiopian in Europe are invited to participate in the teleconference.

To participate in the teleconference, call: (001) 712 432 0075; Code: 215-557# (hash sign)

Representatives of each chapter will discuss preparation of Ethiopians in European countries for the people’s congress to be held in Dallas, Texas, starting June 28, 2012. The teleconference is also intended to create awareness about the purpose of establishing a transitional council, and how any one can participate.

For more information, write to: etntcuk@gmail.com