
Arrest Dictator Meles Zenawi at Camp David G8 Summit!

Editor’s Note — The Obama administration has cynically betrayed the people of Ethiopia by inviting Meles Zenawi to Camp David.  Zenawi has arrested, tortured and brutalized thousands, including journalists and political opponents; he has stolen many elections; he has gunned down 193 innocents protesting electoral fraud; he has massacred civilians in Gambella, Ogaden, Afar and Oromia.  He is a war criminal that should be hauled before the International Criminal Court in the Hague. 

The Obama administration is lending respectability to a criminal because Zenawi is a staunch ally in the war against terrorism.  No matter Zenawi has terrorized 85 million Ethiopians for the last 20 years.  Zenawi has zero legitimacy among his own people.  The legitimacy of this international beggar comes from hypocritical donors who show little sympathy for the suffering of the Ethiopian people.

We call on all Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia to come out in droves on May 19 to say no to hypocrisy and to lending respectability to a ruthless, manipulative tyrant.

Mass Protest planned against Meles Zenawi in Camp David
All Ethiopians joining hands to demand Meles Zenawi, Ethiopia’s dictator, to be disinvited from the G8 Summit for crimes he committed against humanity.
Various Political Parties, Civic Societies, Religious groups, and many activists worked together to call these protests and campaigns jointly. You are invited to be part of these historic campaigns.

  • Monday May 14th, 9AM – Protest at White House
  • Monday May 14th, 12PM – Protest at Indian Embassy (Stop Land Grab) (2107 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC)
  • Saturday May 19th – Camp David, MD

Transportation will be provided from Washington Metro Area. To register Call or text (571) 278-5346 or (571) 239-7001

Traditional campaign
Writing Letter, Email, phone, and fax campaign to White House, State Department,
Congress, and Senate (your elected officials)

For more information call (571) 278-5346 or email sebeawinet@gmail.com