An event in DC promoting reading among Ethiopians

Cocktails for Reading’ is an event that is in between a cocktail party and networking event among readers, publishers, authors, writers and organizations involved with reading in Ethiopia.

The format is simple — a party promoting reading among Ethiopians with cocktails, speakers, books, and souvenirs thrown in the mix.

If you want to get in touch with me please feel free to email us at: [email protected].
Saturday Oct 11th at 5:30pm
Touchstone Gallery
406 7th Street NW 2nd Flr
Washington, DC 20004

Event hosted by Ellias Fullmore from burntface. Featuring keynote speakers to include recent CNN Hero,
Yohannes Gebregeorgis of Ethiopia Reads; and Elias Wondimu, founder & publisher of Tsehai Publishers and Distributor.

Bernos is an innovative clothing company that creates high-quality, eye-catching t-shirts featuring African themes.

Ethiopia Reads works to improve literacy and create a culture of reading in Ethiopia, in order to bring hope, vision and educational skills to this generation of Ethiopian children. We plant libraries for children to provide quality reading materials, publish books in local Ethiopian languages and train teachers and librarians to nurture a love of reading and books. Ethiopia Reads believes that education is the key to improving the lives of Ethiopians and books are key to fostering a genuine love of learning.

Tsehai Publishers and Distributors is a publishing company founded with the intention of spreading currently absent knowledge about underserved communities, such as the African Diaspora. Tsehai Publishers was established with the belief that works of literary fiction and serious nonfiction are both necessary and desirable, and that an innovative and aggressive model of publishing can fill a void in today’s marketplace, allowing works of quality to be published both profitably and well, especially for first time authors and those who come from an under-served community of writers.

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