
Teleconference on Transitional Council – Thursday, 7 PM EST

Worldwide teleconference on establishing Ethiopian National Transitional Council.

Thursday April 19, 2012, at 7 PM Washington DC time

Topic: Establishing ENTC Chapters in your city

1. Do you want to know more about ENTC?
2. Do you want to know what has been done so far?
3. Do you want to know what has been planned for the near future?
4. Do you want to know how to join chapters near you?
5. Do you have any other question for ENTC?

Dr. Fisseha Eshetu will be available to answer your questions and explain more about ENTC initiative.

Call 805-399-1000
Code 175-090#

All Ethiopians from all over the world are invited to attend. Please also invite your friends to attend and participate in the discussions.

ENTC Steering Committee