
Worldwide conference on economic boycott against Woyanne – today

In light of the ongoing ethnic cleansing campaign in Ethiopia against the Amhara, Oromo, Ogaden, Gambella, Afar and other Ethiopians, several Ethiopian media will come together on Saturday, April 14, at 1 PM, to propose a worldwide economic boycott campaign against the Woyanne junta.

The discussion will take place live via teleconference, radio program, paltalk rooms, and audio stream.

Details of the proposal, such as what Woyanne institutions to target for boycott, will be announced on the conference.

The conference will be open for every one.

Attend one of the major Ethiopian paltalk rooms or call:

Tel: 712 432 0900
code: 506741#

Date/Time: Saturday, April 14, 2012, at 1 PM (Washington DC time)

For more info: ethrev@gmail.com