
Ethnic cleansing of Amharas (shocking photo)

The Woyanne junta has intensified its ethnic cleansing campaign against the Amhara ethnic group in southern Ethiopia. So far, over 78,000 people, including children, women, and the elderly have been evicted after every thing they owned was confiscated, as reported by Germany Radio and other media. The following are photos of some of the evicted Ethiopians of Amhara ethnic group. The only way to stop such crime against humanity is to wage an all out war on the fascist Woyanne junta with what ever means available. The least one can do is to stop referring to this criminal organization as “Ethiopian government,” and the fascist dictator as “Ethiopian prime minister.”

The only crime of these innocent children is to be born from Amhara ethnic group. How can any one who calls him/herself Ethiopian continue to stay silent in the face of such atrocity?

Photos of some of the 78,000 Amharas who are made homeless by the Woyanne junta:
Amharas evicted from southern Ethiopia