
Ethiopians in DC, Munich, Seattle demand Meles to resign

Ethiopians residing in Munich, Seattle and Washington DC held protest rallies today and over the weekend demanding the resignation of Ethiopia’s corrupt and brutal dictatory Meles Zenawi.

In Washington DC, the protest took place today at the Woyanne-controlled Ethiopian embassy. The protesters held chanted ENOUGH! Meles has to go! 20 Years of Dictatorship Must End!

Ethiopian protest in Washington DC

On Saturday, Ethiopians in Seattle joined Egyptians at a protest rally at Westlake Park in downtown in a show of solidarity to pro-democracy protesters in Egypt, and to also demand Ethiopia’s dictator to step down.

And in Munich, Germany, Sunday, over one thousand Ethiopians went out to confront Meles Zenawi who was attending the 47th Conference of Global Security.

Ethiopians in Germany confront Meles Zenawi