
Birtukan’s “apology” an indictment against the Meles regime

Ethiopia’s beggar dictator Meles Zenawi thought by forcing opposition leader Birtukan Mideksa to sign an apology letter he can humiliate her and her supporters. But when you look at the interview she was forced to give today on the Woyanne-controlled ETV and the apology letter itself, it is glaringly clear that she was made to give the apology under extreme duress, having been subjected to mental torture, including solitary confinement, for the past 21 months. More than any thing, the forced apology letter and the ETV interview prove how miserable, cowardly thugs Meles and Woyannes are. Had Birtukan been in their place, she would never do such an inhumane thing against a peaceful, defenseless person. Birtukan’s words in the video below is an indictment against the Meles barbaric regime. — Elias Kifle