
Neway Debebe receives silent treatment

Ethiopian singer Neway Debebe received a silent treatment on Saturday at a wedding in Washington DC.

There were others singers, including Efrem Tamiru, who performed at the wedding. They were treated normally and politely. In Neway Debebe’s case, apparently most of the guests did not approve his recent cozy relationship with the Woyanne ruling junta in Ethiopia.

The big wedding party thrown by Virginia insurance agent Shewit Woldemichael and bride Aster was attended by hundreds of people.

Ethiopians are increasingily using social rejection against collaborators of the Woyanne ruling junta as a form of protest and a way expressing their disapproval of those who collaborate with Woyanne. It is a warning to others that if you have to do business in Ethiopia, do it quietly without being used by the ruling junta for its propaganda campaign.

After publicly opposing Woyanne for a long time, Neway has angered the Ethiopian community by traveling to Ethiopia and appear on Woyanne-controlled TV and radio stations.

It’s not too late for Neway to appologize, as Mahmoud Ahmed did, and return to the people who have supported him and made him a successful singer.

Meanwhile, Ethiopians in the Washington DC area have kicked Woyanne-controlled ETV off the air this week. The cable company RCN has removed the program after receiving complaints from several Ethiopians that ETV is being used as a weapon of repression by the genocidal regime in Ethiopia.