
Ethiopians attend Eritrea Festival 2010 in Washington

A delegation representing various Ethiopian groups in the Washington DC area participated in the 2010 Eritrean Festival in Washington DC Saturday night.

The Ethiopian delegation led by Ato Neamin Zeleke took part in the festival in a show of solidarity with the people and government of Eritrea and to express appreciation for the humanitarian and moral support Eritrea has been providing to Ethiopian freedom fighters, as well as political refugees.

Eritrean Ambassador to the U.S. H.E. Ghirmai Ghebremariam and organizers of the festival have warmly welcomed the Ethiopian delegation.

The festival, which was held at the Washington Convention Center, included Eritrean cultural shows, music and food.

The participation by Ethiopians in the annual Eritrean festival indicates the rebuilding of relations between the peoples of Eritrea and Ethiopia, despite the effort by the fascist tribal junta in Ethiopia that is working hard to sow discord between the two people.