
Al Amoudi-financed rally in DC backfires

Supporters of Ethiopia’s genocidal junta have made a fool out of themselves Thursday by holding a fake demonstration against Egypt in front of the US Department of State. If they have a problem with Egypt, why doesn’t their leader, Meles Zenawi, go to Cairo and talk to Egypt’s president Hosni Mubarak? Wouldn’t that be more effective than a rally in front of U.S. bureaucrats in Washington DC? They could also stage a demonstration in front of Egypt’s embassy, if it is really necessary.

The second issue that was said to be bothering the “demonstrators” is the recent bombing in Uganda’s capital Kampala. But what does the U.S. State Department have to do with the Kampala bombing? Are there Al Shababs inside the State Department?

This patently fake demonstration, which was financed by Ato Abinet GebreMeskel, a personal assistant to billionaire businessman Mohammed Al Amoudi, brought out about 50 people, many of whom are employees of the DC area Aksum Restaurant and other Woyanne-owned businesses.

Paid Axum Restaurant employees in front of the U.S. Department of State condemning Egypt

It’s noteworthy to mention that very few people from the Tigrean community were in attendance. This is one more proof that Tigreans are distancing themselves from the Meles thugocracy. Meles is now surrounding himself with the likes of Solomon Tekalign — hodaderoch (opportunists) from every ethnic group.

One of the chief organizers of Thursday’s Woyanne rally is Demis Lema (aka Arawit). Arawit is wanted in Ethiopia for the savage beating of Ethiopian Reporter’s editor Amare Aregawi in October 2008. While other suspects were detained, Al Amoudi’s assistant Abinet GebreMeskel helped Arawit, a former nationally known soccer player, and one of Al Amoudi’s well-known thugs, to escape to the U.S. He now lives in Washington DC inside a $4,000 per month luxury apartment on Massachusetts Ave — all expenses paid by Al Amoudi.

Zenawi’s new Diaspora agenda

To ingratiate themselves with Woyanne, Al Amoudi’s full time thugs such as Arawit and Solomon “Qindibu” Tekalign, are all too willing to help carry out Meles Zenawi’s new campaign in the Diaspora. The campaign, however, is already backfiring:

First, it is making Ethiopians united against Woyanne more than ever. Today’s massive rally at the Chinese embassy was a major demonstration of unity.

Second, the message Meles and gang came up with to divide Ethiopians in the Diaspora, i.e., Nile River, is making Egyptian leaders irate. Ethiopian Review has learned that Egypt’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit has summoned Woyanne Ambassador in Cairo, Ibrahim Idris, and dressed him down for fabricating a regional crisis for political expediency.

It is to be remembered that Meles Zenawi had signed two secret agreements with Hosni Mubarak affirming Egypt’s quota over Nile River. The second one is as recent as 8 months ago (read here).

Afraid of Egyptian wrath, the Woyanne junta today sent out a message to its cadres to take it easy on Egypt and redirect their attention to the Kampala explosion.

Most Ethiopians, however, are NOT concerend with Egypt, Nile, Uganda, Al Shabab, etc. The most urgent demand of Ethiopians is the immediate removal of the Woyanne cancer from Ethiopia.