
Preparation for dialoguing among Ethiopian opposition groups

Several attempts by Ethiopian opposition groups to forge a viable alliance during the past two decades have failed with disastrous result for Ethiopia. The alliances start to unravel soon after they are formed. The main cause of such failure has been lack of advance preparation, according to Ato Sioum Gebeyehou, a senior nuclear power generation engineer and management consultant. The opposition parties also fail to involve all stake holders, such as civic groups.

Ato Sioum comes up with a 4-step process that calls for fractious opposition groups to be united behind common issues and shared interests if there is to be any chance of bringing about regime change in Ethiopia. The 4-steps  include: 1) Prepare to dialogue, 2) Dialogue to dialogue, 3) Dialogue for a common goal, and 4) Achieve the goal.

Click the image below to read the full presentation on the Process of Dialoguing: