EDITOR’S NOTE: Please note that ONLF doesn’t refer the Woyanne army as “Ethiopian Army” as some of the international media, and even some fools in the Ethiopian opposition camp shamelessly do. We thank ONLF for not associating the horrible crimes of the Woyanne army with the name Ethiopia.
(ONLF Military Communiqué) — The Ogaden National Liberation Army today has launched major operations in the Ogaden after rebuffing the late May offensive by the “Ethiopian” [Woyanne] Army.
The Units from the Gorgor Command (Eagle Command) have launched two pronged offensive in Dhagah-Madow district west of Dhagahbur and the Dudumo-Ad Garrison near Baabili district. In Dhagah-Madow districts there were three Woyanne battalions and their support units and in Dudumo- Ad Garrison there were two battalions and their support Units. Both Garrisons were captured and enemy troops destroyed.
Hundreds of soldiers were captured and causalities were very high. Reinforcement forces from Harar, Fiq and Dhagah bur were also repelled, degraded and dispersed and ONLA is in hot pursuit of the remnants. In total more than 1800 Woyane troops were either killed, captured or had dispersed in the Ogaden wilderness. Heavy weaponry, ammunition and military vehicles were also captured. These two garrisons are strategic locations for the control of the area south and North West of the Jarar Valley.
The Battle is escalating and may spread into other cities in the Ogaden. Further details will be provided when the full report reaches ONLF information Bureau.