By Yilma Bekele
All these far flung concept, country, system and a celebrity have one thing in common. The current Ethiopian regime is the unifying factor here. It is a well-planned and calculated move by the princess of darkness from Arat Kilo. They are a ploy to put too much up on the screen, too many things all at once and it is very difficult to focus. We are inundated with too much information. It is difficult to hit a moving object.
When there is too much noise from the regime, you know something is up. You have to be alert to separate the chaff from the grain. They just throw everything at you. This time their main aim was to deflect attention from the sham ‘election’ they were orchestrating. It was considered to be a non-event by everybody except the regime.
All the reports by major media and internationally respected organizations concluded that the government was running UN opposed. It was systematically preventing any opposition participating in a meaningful way. The so-called election was an utter failure with everybody ‘ including the ‘loyal opposition’ dropping out the last minute.
It is good enough for begging, borrowing, ‘close your eyes and let me fool you’ purpose, but nothing else. Only Woyane thinks it was a good idea. They hope in time the world will forget and it will be fait acompli. In the eyes of the world players Ethiopia will be considered another ‘failed state’. In the international arena, legitimacy is a powerful calling card. Ethiopia lost that in the aftermath of the 2005 elections. Now it is sinking deeper into the realm of Jean Bidel Bokassa and Mobutu Sese Seko.
Remember during the Kenyan election fiasco, they always mentioned the stolen Ethiopian election and the aftermath. When they are discussing Zimbabwe they always bring out the 2005 election. It has become a landmark for stealing and killing to stay in power. The Ethiopian government does not have legitimacy to utter a word regarding these major incidents in our continent. Instead of being a respected and neutral go between the warring parties we are shamed into sitting in the background and keeping quiet. It is because the power of those in charge does not emanate from the people rather it comes ‘out of the barrel of the gun’ directed against the people. We are being held as a good example of ‘poverty stricken and botched elections’ with the government accused of killing hundreds of civilians in cold blood. Another ‘banana republic’.
Nothing like diversion to change the subject.
Qatar was thrown into the mix to involve the foreign media. Instead of reporting about the failed elections, the inflation, and the famine they gave the ferenjis something they could report. They reported it dutifully. ‘Ethiopia severs ties with Qatar’ was everywhere. It was a non-news but Woyane made it news. Qatar does not give a damn regarding the so-called ‘diplomatic relations’ with Ethiopia. Ethiopia needs Qatar not the other way around. Thus trying to give a finger to a 700-pound gorilla is not a good idea. It is fortunate the gorilla found it amusing and shrugged it off. If they were hot headed like Woyane over twelve thousand needy Ethiopians will be sent home. Hey they are indifferent to seventy million Ethiopians, a few thousand in Qatar is nothing to loose your sleep about.
Next was the story of the famous ‘Ethiopian Commodity Exchange’ (ECX). Only TPLF will come up with something like this. Who needs comedians with Woyane around? You can trust them to pretend the most absurd is the most rational. Let us see, the concept of a ‘Commodity Exchange’ in Ethiopia will be as out of place as a ‘water park’ in the Sahara, a ‘monastery’ in Las Vegas or a ‘Hitler’ museum in Tel Aviv. It just doesn’t flow.
Commodity exchange is one of those purely capitalist enterprises, which has basic requirement of its own to succeed. The first is ‘Democracy’ where ideas and wealth is exchanged openly. Then we need open and transparent system where the information presented should have credibility with the consumer. Independent institutions not beholden to any government or outside forces are a must. Faith in the fairness of the system is the most critical aspect of the capitalist system.
Today’s Ethiopia doesn’t even come close to any of the above. The economy is controlled by the government or its subsidiaries, the Central Bank does not know the difference between Gold and Lead and the communication system is still rooted in the last century. Most of all there is no such thing as ‘private confidential’ information in Ethiopia. The Police State knows everything. The much-ballyhooed opening of the so-called ECX is nothing but another scam on the ferengis and a smoke screen to divert our attention from the election fiasco. The girls of Mitmita blog have a hilarious take on this unique institution.
At last the minority regime was forced to use what is has been holding in reserve for the last year and a half. Throw our beloved Teddy Afro into Kaliti. TPLF planned this a long time back. Teddy has been a thorn on their side for too long. The young man has the nerve to come up with lyrics and songs that stirred our inner soul and increased our pride on being Ethiopian. What the Woyane was destroying, Teddy was building. What the Woyane was insulting Teddy was praising. One Teddy was greater than the sum of all Woyane.
Teddy’s imprisonment was a two-pronged attack. The first is to divert attention till they finished seating their minions as the new sheriff in all of Ethiopia. The second was intended to show that Woyane is in charge. Nothing like a high premium prisoner to show who the boss is. Another attempt to emasculate us and break our will to challenge them. Not to worry, all their loud statements end up biting them back. Woyane is the same old confused, disoriented ‘keystone cops’ that can’t shoot straight even if their life depended on it.
As their imprisonment of Kinijit leaders ended up galvanizing the country against them, as their unprovoked invasion of Somalia is uniting the Somali against them, so will the imprisonment of our favorite son make us angry and end up making us see the real nature of Woyane. We have three thousand years of built up ‘Ethiopianess’ DNA interwoven in our very essence. Believe me Woyane is a shooting star here now gone in a second phenomena. We will still be here. Just keep your eyes on the prize. Melkam Fasika my beautiful brothers and sisters. May the Ethiopian God give Teddy the strength in this time of hardship!
The writer can be reached at [email protected]