Obang Metho addresses Ogadenis in Minnesota

Our Ethiopian or African leaders continue indeed to use the power of the State both to enrich themselves and their ethnic communities and to repress any opposition or criticism. The politics of privileging ethnicity for those in power and diminishing ethnicity for those out of power has continued to dominate the African political landscape. The question then is what is to be done in the face of this ethnically-based politics? How can we move forward?

The answer is simple yet profoundly difficult to implement. Ethiopia and Africa must move away from the politicization of ethnicity. Celebrate the ethnic and cultural mosaic of Ethiopia or Africa but at the same time create an ‘a – ethnic’ or non-ethnic politics. Ethiopians or Africans must surrender their ethnic clothes when they move into the political arena and assume positions of power.

It is time for a Movement for a New Ethiopia or Africa, one shorn of ethnic chauvinism in the world of politics. Unless this happens then political leaders will play one ethnic group off against another for political advantage parallel to the past colonial practice of `divide and rule’ and the current neo-colonial practice of foreign intervention in ethically-based strife; mounting the war on terror; and, driving for control over valued resources.

The Ethiopians or Africans have been divided for too long and separated from their common heritage by artificial boundaries and the ethnic and regional and religious divides. Ethiopia or Africa must re-discover its soul and celebrate its African-ness. The soil of African continues to be stained by the blood of its sons and daughters all in the name of mindless ethnic power struggles. A politics of collaboration and consensus must be re-asserted drawing on Ethiopian or African tradition within the local community.

That community must be expanded to become inclusive of all Africans. Otherwise, Ethiopia or Africa will continue to be in disarray, in decline, and incur more death and suffering.

In this weakened condition, rapacious leaders can prey on their people and foreign interests can continue to exploit and manipulate for both profit and power. The time has come for a new Ethiopia or Africa, one where its people can see each other as one, as sharing the soul and soil of the continent for their mutual benefit and development. The cloak of ethnicity must be removed in the realm of African politics. Until that day arrives, Ethiopian or Africans all suffer for their loss of humanity.

We must think beyond our ethnicity, our Ethiopian-ness, our African-ness and see ourselves as children created in the image of God. Our Ethiopian leaders have not seen the way out of this because they may not be able to see the bigger commonality of our shared humanity. Instead, they may have made decisions based on short-term worldly goals of pleasure, luxury and power at the expense of others rather than realizing they are only refugees on this earth until they are reunited someday with their Creator. These are two very contrasting views of life with very different outcomes. It is for each of us to choose between them.

As my Ogadeni sister cited in her beautiful poem at the opening of this conference, I believe that God is rising up to help us and that He is using some of our young people to do it. Let each of us take part in this.

May He help the Ethiopians to rise up with other Africans and light up this Dark Continent that is overcome with man-caused suffering, misery and death! May He help us rise up as human beings who are His children, ready to generously spread his love around!

It is our duty to fulfill God’s purposes for our lives while we are on this earth. These purposes will differ, but our value as people will not. As an Anuak, or as a Canadian Ethiopian or as a follower of Jesus Christ, I may be different from you in these ways, but I am still connected to you, respect you and love you as a fellow human being. You are my people and God tells us to love, protect and uphold each other.

As we seek to work together in our mutual struggle for freedom, justice, equality, peace and
reconciliation, let us become ambassadors to others in Ethiopia, fearlessly revolutionary in reaching out in love. If movement for a new Ethiopia is to rise up, let us be the seeds planted in fertile soil that will bring a great harvest that reaches all the way from the educated and more privileged to the average people of our nation and of our continent—the hardworking, the poor, the undereducated, the oppressed and the devalued!

May God give us the strength, guidance and resources to nurture such a movement! May He give us the means to break down the invisible fences separating us so that we can join together in unity of purpose, with respect for each other and with the moral courage to stand firm for what is right!

Thank you.