
The Ethiopian Diaspora uprising (updated)

Tomorrow, Saturday, April 9, Woyanne heavy weights Berhane Gebrekristos and Arkebe Equbay, along with their puppets Redwan Hussien and Girma Birru, will launch a campaign of disinformation in North America. They have called public meetings in Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Ottawa, San Jose, Toronto, and Washington DC.

The Woyanne thugs have the audacity to call such public meetings in North America ignoring the fact that most of us Ethiopians came to North America because Woyanne made Ethiopia a hell on earth for most of us. Our preference is to live in our own beautiful country.

Using brute force, Meles, Berhane, and Arkebe, in collaboration with a gang of opportunists like Girma Birru and Tekeda Alemu, succeeded in silencing and humiliating 80 million Ethiopians for the time being. In North America, the free world, it is a different story. We are going to confront and chase away these murderous thugs this weekend, and give voice to the voiceless Ethiopians at home.

Stay tuned for updates here on Ethiopian Review. Also Addis Dimts Radio live broadcast starts today at 6 PM. Listen to Addis Dimts here: addisdimts.com

Washington DC: April 9, 10 AM, Howard University, Cramton Auditorium
New York: April 9 at 12 Noon, Adama Clayton Powell Plaza
Columbus OH: April 9 at 1 PM, Hyatt Regency, 350 N. High Street
Dallas: April 9, 1 PM, Marriott Hotel by the Galleria
Ottawa: April 9 at 1 PM, CENTURION CONFERENCE CENTER, 170 Colonnade Road South
Boston: April 09 at 12 Noon, 85 Bishop Richard Allen Drive, Cambridge, MA
Minneapolis: April 10 at 1 PM, Hilton, 1001 Marquette Ave.
Los Angeles: April 10 at 1 PM, LA Convention Center
Atlanta: April 10, Dekalb Technical College, 12:00 PM
Seattle: April 10 at 11 Noon, Seattle Center, 305 Harrison Street
Toronto: April 10, University of Toronto, 89 Chestnut Street, 12:30 PM
San Jose: April 10, 12:00 Noon, Masonic Center, 2500 Masonic Drive
Denver: April 10 at 1 PM, Red Lion Hotel, 4040 Quebec Street
Las Vegas: April 13

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