
The 2008 top 10 political turkeys of Ethiopia

CNN’s list of the 2008 top 10 U.S. political turkeys gave us an idea to prepare our own list of Ethiopian political turkeys.

10. Beyene Petros – has always been a turkey, not just this year.

9. Lidetu Ayalew – just look at him on tv sitting inside the fake parliament.

8. Ato Gebremedhin (Aba Paulos) – Beyonce did not keep her promise to come back and visit him.

7. Mesfin Woldemariam – tells Ethiopians not to call the fascist Woyanne regime an “enemy.” It is like telling a rape victim not to call her attacker a “rapist.” That is how twisted his logic is.

6. Seye Abraha – the hero welcome he expected did not materialize.

5. Abraha Belai – exposed himself to be less tribalist than Woyanne only by a small degree.

4. Azeb Mesfin – still claims that she is poor after having looted Ethiopia’s treasury for the past 18 years (ye chigaram neger).

3. Al Amoudi – it turns out he is a fake billionaire who cannot even pay off a few million dollars debt.

2. Meles Zenawi – got his butt kicked out of Somalia by 3,000 ragtag rebels.

1. Birtukan Mideksa – falls from the most popular Ethiopian politicians to an irrelevant political figure in a matter of 6 months.