Ethiopian Heritage or Hear Us Age

Our heritage is our 88 beautiful tribes who are bonded not by federalism but above all Ethiopiawinet::

by Teddy Fikre  dated: Friday, Juy 27th, 2012

Do you know the sound of age? It does not sound like tic, tic, tic; age is more like a tick that sucks the blood from your soul and leaves you in senior citizen amongst the denizen of the soon to be lifeless bodies.  I know, a bit graphic right but it is the blunt truth.  We are all bonded and bound to the rest that came before us.  We will in due time disappear into the ether and be buried in graves. The only thing that will remain when we are nothing more than memories are our legacies.  Our legacy is our heritage.

So this s the crux of the matter before us, our legacy is our heritage.  Our heritage is timeless and endless.  Long after our time on this earth is finished, what will stay behind and be written in the stars is the history of our culture, our tradition, and our common aspirations—the only thing that will remain is our heritage. Heritage is the core of a people; we are defined not by our existence but by the very essence of our history and our culture.  Our heritage is our inheritance, we are nothing more and nothing less than the history of Ethiopia passed down to us one generation the next.

Our heritage is Adwa.  Our heritage is undefeated.  Our heritage is buna.  Our heritage is 13 months of Sunshine.  Our heritage is our enat (mother) Ethiopia.  Our heritage got Obama elected! In our hearts beats the heritage of ten thousand Adwa Jegnas and forty million emamas.  Our heritage is our genes and our menfes, we breathe and live our history through our stories and our fables.  Irrespective of our philosophy, our ideology, our God, or our preferences, we are all in the end tied and wedded to our heritage and our intertwined interdependence.

Our heritage is our flag without a symbol on it. Our heritage is found in our names; Desta, Tesfaye, Fikre, Haile, Emnet, Luladey, Aster, Makeda, Meron—in these names you will find a folklore of our heritage and our oneness to the ones before us.  We are the manifestation of our parents’ aspirations and the dreams of our forefathers.  We are heritage through our eskista and our injera, each shoulder shake and every gursha is the continuation of our heritage by other means.  Our heritage is found in the smiles of innocent children and in the grasp and slow walk of old men.  Our heritage is in our musika and our getems, our heritage is timeless and classic.

Our heritage is not acronyms because liberation fronts are a front that murder people instead of liberating them.  Our heritage is not found in… (Continued)…



Ethiopian Heritage Festival Weekend

[click to visit ESHNA and find out about this weekend’s event]

This weekend, July 27th – July 29th, The Ethiopian Heritage Society of North America (EHSNA) is sponsoring the second annual Ethiopian Heritage Festival at Georgetown University. The event will be a cultural extravaganza featuring some of Ethiopia’s most famous singers, food, culture, history, and activities for children.

The Ethiopian Heritage Society of North America (EHSNA) was founded to preserve and retell the story and history of Ethiopians by Ethiopians for all people who ove Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a land of blessings and a history unparalleled in human civilization. Ethiopia was the first African country to defeated a Western Colonial power (Italy) in the battle of Adwa. Ethiopia is where coffee was discovered. Ethiopia is mentioned in the Bible 13 times, only Israel surpasses Ethiopia’s name in the bible.


Teddy Fikre

[click to view profile and follow on twitter @teddyfikre]

email: [email protected]