
“Multicolored Flowers” – a film by Fikre Tolossa to be featured in LA

“Multicolored Flowers,” a film by Fikre Tolossa will be featured in Los Angeles, July 27

Dr. Fikre Tolossa’s feature film, “Multicolored Flowers,” a coming of age drama with comical and satirical overtones and undertones, will be featured in Los Angeles, California on Sunday July 27, starting 3:00 PM at the Jewish Community Center.

If blacks “acted white” in the past to fit in, now whites “act black” to fit in, in this movie, which witnesses that times are changing.

In the spirit of artistic cooperation, in addition to Dr. Fikre Tolossa, the young film-maker Mekdelawit Tadesse, will present a one hour documentary on the lives of a few movers and shakers Ethiopians residing in the United States, entitled, “Immigrants.”

Moreover, a budding poet, Asfawossen Alemseged, will premier his latest book, “Tsehay Tiwotalech,” reciting a few verses out of it.

Ethiopians living in Los Angeles and its surroundings are welcome to feast on this unusual combination of artistic extravaganza.