Political leanings of the different Ethiopian media

Political leanings of the top 10 Ethiopian media look as follows:

Listed by EMAI‘s rank:

1. EthiopianReview.com – Editor: Elias Kifle; supports EPPF, Ginbot 7
2. Nazret.com – Editor: Unknown; Claims to be neutral, but leans toward Woyanne
3. Ethiomedia.com – Editor: Abraha Belay; supports the Siye Abraha wing of Woyanne
4. EthiopianReporter.com – Editor: Amare Aregawi; a member of Woyanne
5. EthioForum.org – Editor: Kinfu Assefa, supports Ginbot 7
6. AbbayMedia.com – Editor: Girum Zegeye; undercover Woyanne
7. AbugidaInfo.com – Editor: Ashebir Gezimu; supports UDJ
8. Tadias.com – Editor: unknown; political leaning is unknown
9. ECADForum.com – Editor: Endelibu (pen name); supports Ginbot 7
10. JimmaTimes.com – Editor: unknown; supports Oromo Federal Democratic Movement

The list is prepared by Ethiopian Review’s Intelligence Unit.